The Uniting Methodist Movement seeks to encourage conferences to pass resolutions in support of big tent (unity in diversity) United Methodism at their 2018 sessions, the last before the Special Session meets in St. Louis in February 2019. We invite leaders in all annual conferences to propose to annual conference session resolutions that call for unity of the denomination and openness to diverse approaches to human sexuality.
We seek as many annual conferences as possible to affirm unity. A sample resolution is below, but we know annual conferences will vary in how they respond and there won’t be a single approach or exact wording that will be viable for all. The goal is for each conference to craft language that will win support in its particular setting. We know the deadlines and processes vary by annual conference.
In some places action might need to be informal because no new petitions can now be offered. This opportunity will be discussed during two conference calls set up to support planning. Please register for one of these two dates (the same content is presented at each) to learn the various approaches and sharpen the resolution for each context.
- 2pm (Eastern)
- 1pm (Central)
- 12pm (Mountain)
- 11am (Pacific)
- 7pm (Eastern)
- 6pm (Central)
- 5pm (Mountain)
- 4pm (Pacific)
Possible Resolution
Whereas the called General Conference of 2019 is considering proposals that will affect the ministry of The United Methodist Church for generations; and that The UMC strives to demonstrate the grace to remain united in ministry while acknowledging our differences; Be it resolved: The _________ Annual Conference urges the General Conference to affirm unity in our diversity, challenge in love all that divides and offer to all people God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ that transforms the world. Therefore, we pray that you will resist schism and express openness to diverse perspectives in matters of sexual identity and practice.