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Dallas News Ad
This full-page ad appeared March 17 in the Dallas Morning News. It was signed by 177 United Methodist clergy and congregations from the North Texas Conference, along with individuals from Central and Texas conferences. (Photo Courtesy of Rev. Geoffrey Moore).
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Texas Conference Letter
This draft of a proposed ad in the Houston Chronicle was posted online in Google Docs to allow United Methodists to sign on. The ad is significant because Texas Annual Conference is home to the conservative caucus Good News and the resident bishop, Bishop Scott Jones, has aligned with the traditionalist Wesleyan Covenant Association. (UM Insight Screencap)
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Iowa Statement 1
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Iowa Statement 2
Second page of Iowa statement.
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Iowa Statement 3
Third page of Iowa Statement
United Methodist organizations both official and unofficial are calling for continued resistance to the Traditional Plan adopted by the 2019 General Conference and the formation of a church that includes LGBTQ people through ordination and same-gender marriage.
UPDATED March 22
Wondering what local folks are thinking about The United Methodist Church's conflict over allowing same-gender marriage and LGBTQ clergy? Consider these conclusions from community columnist Ray Buursma, Holland Sentinel.com:
"So why does [the UMC] forbid membership to homosexuals?
"I believe the answer is American culture accepts divorce while homosexuality is still on the periphery.
"... Research shows church membership is declining in America.
"One reason is the young and unchurched reject doctrine, practice and membership requirements which do not welcome their relatives, friends and neighbors.
"Closely related, they also witness the disconnect between the values many church members espouse — integrity, compassion, care, concern, honesty, etc. — and the support those church members give to political leaders whose words and actions glaringly demonstrate contrary values.
"They view such support as hypocritical and are loathe to belong to institutions comprised of such members."
More media reports:
Updated List of #UMC Regional Responses to GC2019 – Hacking Christianity
Responding to Reactions to the Special General Conference – Wesleyan Covenant Association
United Methodist Church Faces Bitter Battle Over LGBTQ Equality – Los Angeles Blade
A Church Disunited: Wesleyan movement faces schism after public vote on political view of faith – Milwaukee Independent
Alexandria Clergy Pushes Back – Alexandria, Va., Gazette Packet
Los Angeles Times LGBTQ-beat reporter weighs in on local gay-friendly Methodist churches – GetReligion (blog)
Laura Wozniak: On being gay and missing my United Methodist family – Milwaukee Independent
Dallas church may leave United Methodist Church after ban on same-sex marriage, LGBT clergy – FOX 4 News
Gentle Methodists, Where's Your Anger? – San Francisco Bay Times
Local United Methodists reckon with recommitment to LGBTQ exclusion – Daily Mississippian
On Religion: Union possible on Episcopal, United Methodist left? – Ukiah, Calif., Daily Journal
UPDATED March 21
Local Faith Leaders Decry Methodist Church's LGBTQ Ban – Westword
Churches, UGA student groups respond to clashes resulting from Methodist vote – Red and Black
Simpson, RLC reaffirm inclusion after the General Conference decision – The Simpsonian
Local United Methodists reckon with recommitment to LGBTQ exclusion – Daily Mississippian
Another Former Methodist Minister Sounds Off – Patheos (blog)
Why I’m Staying – by John Copenhaver, Richmond Times-Dispatch
UPDATED March 20
Western Jurisdiction offers ‘safe harbor’
The Western Jurisdiction leadership team has issued a statement calling United Methodists “’…(to) resist injustice and insist that the Church repent of the exclusionary principles of the Traditional Plan,’ and affirms an intention to look for new ways of being church saying, ‘Grounded in our Wesleyan heritage, we will foster a new movement to gather the energy of inclusive United Methodists throughout our global connection,’” according to a report by Greg Nelson on the Western Jurisdiction website.
The statement, “As We Make Our Way Home,” affirms that the annual conferences in the Western Jurisdiction will “provide a Safe Harbor for clergy in our conferences as well as across the connection who face the threat of complaints and/or the loss of credentials because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or ministry with and for our LGBTQIA+ siblings.” Endorsed by Western Jurisdiction bishops and its mission cabinet the statement invites “every United Methodist who shares our vision for a Church that truly, and finally, opens its hearts, minds, and doors, offering a home for all God’s people,” to join in conversations around what a future Methodism might be. No schedule for such conversations has been set yet.
United Methodist Women urged to influence board
Individual members of United Methodist Women are invited to sign an online petition that seeks to influence the UMW board and program committees to oppose the Traditional Plan and support LGBTQ inclusion. As an independent, though official, agency of the United Methodist Women funded by its members, UMW has the ability to serve as what it calls “a prophetic witness” without running afoul of Book of Discipline bans against using denominational funds to promote acceptance of homosexuality.
The online petition describes its purpose: “We believe that to be true to our UMW tradition and heritage, it is important that our organization both publicly affirm and work for full LGBTQ+ inclusion and oppose the Traditional Plan.”
Great Plains pastor proposes resolution
The Rev. John R. Collins, co-pastor of First United Methodist Church in Abilene, Kansas, with his wife the Rev. Jennifer Collins, posted a resolution on his blog that he proposes to bring to the 2019 session of the Great Plains Annual Conference. Titled “Resolution: Disavowal Of The Traditional Plan,” the proposal calls on the conference to condemn “the decision of the 2019 General Conference to pass the Traditional Plan and apologizes for the harm that it has caused LGBTQ+ persons, their families, their friends, and the body of Christ.” The resolution also proposes that “no GPAC funds or monies (either directly through payments or indirectly through the time of employees of the conference) shall be expended for the purpose of background investigations, complaints, just resolutions, or clergy trials pertaining LGBTQ+ ordination and marriage.”
Minnesota Methodists mark ‘death of UMC’
Clergy in the Minnesota Annual Conference issued a “pastoral” letter to Bishop Bruce Ough that says, in part, “The 2019 General Conference marked the death of the United Methodist Church. We cannot undo the harm done, and yet we are not defeated. The Spirit is breaking forth in new ways and cannot be contained by legislative structures and conference proceedings. In Christ we know that with death comes resurrection, and that love always prevails.”
The letter also says that Minnesota clergy “reject the outcome of the 2019 General Conference and stand against it as part of our baptismal vow to follow Jesus in resisting, “evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.” Signers of the letter pledge they won’t abide by restrictions placed on LGBTQIA+ people and their allies and “will provide pastoral care and leadership to all God’s people and will not discriminate. We take our authority as clergy to perform marriages per our consciences for our congregants and communities, whosoever they are.”
The letter also confesses sins of racism and sexism in the church, acknowledging “the need to include all forms of systemic oppression in the sacred work of reconciliation and justice for all.”
Other media reports and opinions
United Methodist church speaks out against LGBTQ ban – Estes Park Trail-Gazette
Led and Transformed by the Spirit: A Check In After the United Methodist Special General Conference – Blog by John W. McNeill
It’s Not about Sexuality: The UMC is Incompatible with the Mission of the Local Church So Make Apportionments Voluntary – Tamed Cynic blog by Jason Micheli
Michigan Continues Response to GC2019 – MIConnect
UPDATED March 19
United Methodists are using similar approaches to process the potential effect of the 2019 General Conference’s adoption of the Traditional Plan that strengthens the denomination’s bans on same-gender marriage and LGBTQ ordination.
Indiana bishop to hear LGBTQ stories
Indiana United Methodist Bishop Julius C. Trimble will take part in a panel discussion alongside members of the LGBTQI+ community at 6:30 p.m. March 20 at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 100 W. 86th Street in Indianapolis. The event is focused on creating a space to listen to stories and thoughts from the LGBTQI+ community, as well as how to live in unity and continue the mission together. United Methodists who identify as LGBTQI+ will share their stories of affirmation and love along with their struggles and pain through their experience in The United Methodist Church. Participants are being recruited from across the spectrum and will be engaged by a moderator to share with Bishop Trimble in a constructive manner. Please share this event with your church and connections.
Iowans issue open letter to clergy, bishop, appointive cabinet
An ad hoc group of laity, deacons, elders, and local pastors of the Iowa Conference has issued an open letter to Bishop Laurie Haller and the appointive cabinet acknowledging their experience of the hurt caused by UMC strictures against LGBTQ people and seeking full inclusion. Read the full statement here.
Chicago bishop and cabinet send ‘Letter to Queer Clergy’
Posted March 18 2019 at 09:41 AM on the Northern Illinois Conference website:
The Bishop and Cabinet of the Northern Illinois Annual Conference recently shared a letter to Queer Clergy in the NIC after the outcome of the February Special Session to the General Conference in St. Louis.
"We are thankful for you who are queer clergy and who have remained faithful to the UMC even though the UMC doesn’t affirm your personhood," wrote the Bishop and Cabinet. "We see you in your pain and it deeply grieves us. All of us are shocked, grieved, angry, and pained at what the church has done but we know it affects you to the core of your being in ways that we cannot fully comprehend. But know that we see you."
"As the Bishop and Cabinet, we hold deeply the values of diversity, graciousness, compassion, and justice. We imagine a church that welcomes all and works to that end. Because that’s who we are, we will not use our power to perpetuate harm but to do all the good that we can through our roles and positions." Read the full letter here.
Media reports as of March 19:
United Methodists in Georgia ask: What happens next? – Atlanta Journal Constitution
A welcoming message: Despite global Methodist vote, local church backs gay members – Journal Inquirer
At Hillview United Methodist, we reject the national church's anti-gay policies – Idaho Statesman
As United Methodist leaders tighten LGBTQ ban, churches struggle with path forward
– Los Angeles Times
New York Times weighs in, offering one side of bitter disputes inside United Methodist Church – GetReligion (blog)
A welcoming message: Despite global Methodist vote, local church backs gay members – Journal Inquirer
Local United Methodist clergy offer insight but few opinions on LGBTQ vote – Olean Times Herald
Local United Methodist clergy weigh in on recent LGBTQ decision – Bradford, Pa., Era
University church leadership stands against Methodist decision on gays (Your letters) - Syracuse.com
The Peripatetic Preacher Teaches the Book of Job in Light of That General Conference(4) – Patheos.com
United Methodists across the United States continued to express their resistance to the Traditional Plan through public statements, rainbow displays, newspaper ads and congregational "town hall" meetings on what comes next for the global 12.1 million denomination.
An editorial in the Greenfield, Mass., Recorder predicted that United Methodist congregations in its area would face "tough discussions" over whether to submit to the strictures of the Traditional Plan, withdraw to individual independence or to join with other like-minded congregations to form a new denomination. Local media coverage indicated discussions among United Methodists of varying opinions were taking place throughout the United States (see list of links below).
Even congregations that have avoided such discussions in the past are engaging in conversations around the results of the special called 2019 General Conference at which the Traditional Plan was adopted by a margin of 54 votes, 438 to 384. A church member in Dallas told United Methodist Insight that her church, called to meet about finances, ended by setting as its number-one priority becoming a member of Reconciling Ministries Network. She also noted that her pastor was among the 177 clergy who signed a full-page ad in the March 17 Dallas Morning News pledging to work for full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the UMC.
Secular media also continued to follow the UMC's fate in the wake of revelations that unauthorized people voted at the Feb. 23-26 General Conference in St. Louis, Mo. A task force has been established to investigate irregularities first identified by a New York Times investigation.
A round-up of some articles as of March 18:
Editorial: Tough discussions ahead for local Methodist congregations – Greenfield (Mass.) Recorder.
Looking at this story internationally, what's the status of modern church doctrines on gays – GetReligion (blog)
North Texas United Methodist faith leaders publish letter promoting for more LGBTQ inclusion – WFAA.com
After United Methodists vote against LGBTQ+ inclusion, local churches and Duke Divinity respond – Duke Chronicle
United Methodist Church to Investigate Irregularities in LGBTQ Vote - Georgia Voice
Hilary Hodge: The Methodist Church and the LGBTQ community – The Union of Grass Valley
Mary Taylor Church emphasizes support of gay community -– CT Post
Message of acceptance: Ashburnham Community Church open to all – Sentinel & Enterprise
United Methodist leaders hold special meeting on inclusion, church's future – Times Herald-Record, White Plains, NY.
Methodist split on homosexuality highlighted in event at Boulder church – Boulder, Colo., Daily Camera
United Methodists and sexuality – Warren, Ohio, Tribune Chronicle
Little 'common ground': North Iowa church leader fears more division in Methodist Church on LGBQ Issues – Mason City (Iowa) Globe Gazette
The Antigay "Traditional Plan" and the History of the Methodist Church – History News Network (HNN)
United Methodist math: Is future in American pews? – Wichita Falls, Texas, Times Record News
Letter: Not feeling united with UMC decision – The State Journal-Register, Springfield, Ill.
Bishop urges unity and love in trying times for denomination – Reading, Pa., Eagle
Letter: Love your enemies, respect all – Longview, Texas, News-Journal
'Love, not division, defines us' – Times Herald-Record, White Plains, NY
Cook: The Bible, the moon and why being gay is not a sin – Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times Free Press
Ban of gay clergy divides congregants of United Methodist Church – Newsday
The Height of Hypocrisy – When EF Talks, the blog of Rev. Eric Folkerth
3 United Methodist pastors in Clinton County give views on church conference – Wilmington News Journal, OH
United Methodist Church Investigating Voting Irregularities at Summit That Bolstered LGBT Bans – outsmartmagazine.com
First Methodists welcome all – Valley Courier, Alamosa, Colo.
Evidence of improper voting raises questions about Methodist gay clergy vote – Religion News Service
For many Methodists, a 'heartbreaking' dilemma' – The Winchester, Va., Star
The United Methodist Church faces schism. How does it move forward? – LGBTQ Nation
Local United Methodist pastors on church's LGBTQ decisions: 'We are sorry' – Champaign/Urbana, Ill., News-Gazette
Letter: Algoma and West Kewaunee UMCs emphasize inclusive ministry – kewauneecomet.com, Kewaunee County, Wisc.
Cynthia B. Astle serves as Editor of United Methodist Insight, which she founded in 2011. Reader Thomas Shanklin contributed research for updates.