Boy Scout lawsuit
As a Nov. 16 deadline approaches, churches are being urged to file a legal document to shield them from any potential liability stemming from a class action lawsuit against Boy Scouts of America over past sexual abuse claims. The United Methodist Church charters more Scout organizations than any other denomination in the U.S. (File photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.)
United Methodist leaders have reached an agreement with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to extend existing UMC-sponsored Scouting charters through June 30, 2022 to provide for uninterrupted ministry with young people through Scouting. The charters were previously extended to March 31, 2022 as legal proceedings continue in the BSA's bankruptcy case, particularly as the trial for confirmation has now been postponed until March 9, 2022. Churches do not need to take any action to extend their current organizational relationship with the BSA until June 30, 2022.
Organizational leaders are working together to develop a long-term solution regarding the church’s relationship with Scouting as they plan for new relationship agreements that will help to improve the program and safety of Scouting for future generations of young people. The United Methodist Church and the Boy Scouts of America have worked together to develop the character and values of youth through Scouting for more than a hundred years.
While no action is required at this time regarding charter renewal, churches are to move forward with the annual membership renewal process for all youth and adults who participate in Scouting programs. Charter renewal and membership renewal are distinct processes. Charter renewal focuses on the organization-to-organization relationship, while membership renewal involves the relationship between individual Scouts and volunteers and the BSA.
Annual membership renewal is a vital step in allowing Scouting to continue, as maintaining active membership registrations for all Scouts and volunteers is critical to ensuring that Scouts and volunteers are covered by BSA’s insurance, that volunteers meet training and safety standards, and that both youth and volunteers continue to receive communications.
All Scout units and local councils should complete membership renewals by February 20 if possible, and no later than February 28. Local council representatives are available to support the process so that Scouting activities can continue without interruption.
For questions or further information, please contact your local council representative. You may also contact Steven Scheid, Director of the Center for Scouting Ministries at sscheid@gcumm.org.