Iowa Prayers
Iowa United Methodists are asked to prayer for the families of men arrested in an immigrations raid May 9.
May 10, 2018
Helicopters flew over Mount Pleasant as United States Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Officers (ICE), conducted a raid on Precast Concrete with the assistance of local law enforcement on May 9, 2018. In the aftermath, Iowans are stepping up to show solidarity with affected families.
“This raid is especially distressing because the 10th anniversary of Postville, Iowa, the largest ICE raid in the US at the time, is this Saturday, May 12,” said Bishop Laurie Haller, resident Bishop of the Iowa United Methodist Conference. “May God call us to prayer and a justice-seeking hospitality for all people, especially those whose lives have been changed by the raid in Mt. Pleasant.”
Read Bishop Laurie's full statement
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, 32 men, mostly from Latin America, were arrested for immigration violations by ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) at Midwest Precast Concrete in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, a town of 8,500. First Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant has been designated as a safe place for students and families of those affected.
According to Iowa WINS (Iowa Welcomes Immigrant Neighbors), there [was scheduled] a prayer vigil to support the immigrant community in Mt. Pleasant at 5 PM today, Thursday, May 10, at the Henry County Courthouse at Washington and Main Street.
You may also send cash donations to First Presbyterian Church and indicate IowaWINs or Immigrants in the memo line. (902 S. Walnut, Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641) In addition, food and household item donations can be brought to First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Cup, or the Tolson Community Action Center.
This raid is especially distressing because the 10th anniversary of Postville, Iowa, the largest ICE raid in the US at the time, is this Saturday, May 12. May God call us to prayer and a justice-seeking hospitality for all people, especially those whose lives have been changed by the raid in Mt. Pleasant.
Bishop Laurie
According to Rev. Lilian Gallo Seagren, Iowa U.M. Conference Southeast District Superintendent, about 100 people gathered that same evening at the First Presbyterian Church, many of them the children of those detained.
“We are praying for the terrified immigrant families in Mt. Pleasant, and especially the children of those taken in the ICE raid,” she said.
Several vigils will be held across the state, including one in Mount Pleasant, at 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 10 at the Henry County Courthouse on Washington and Main Street.
IowaWINS (Iowa Welcomes Immigrant Neighbors), will be leading the vigil, and has begun working with the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Pleasant to determine the needs of the family members of the 32 men who were taken by ICE.
“It is a very emotional time for these families and we are working to help those detained get legal representation,” said Tammy Shull, Iowa WINs representative, in an email. “We have collected information from the families with regard to their legal, financial, transportation and other needs. We will be requesting specific assistance as we determine those needs.”
A second vigil is being led by Iowa CCI (Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement) at the Neal Smith Federal Building in Downtown Des Moines (210 Walnut St. Des Moines, IA 50309) at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 10.
In a statement emailed to supporters, Madeline Cano, IowaCCI Community Organizer, said, “Mount Pleasant families do not know where their loved ones were taken and have been unable to contact them. Tonight, we will stand in solidarity with them.”
Donations can be sent to the First Presbyterian Church and indicate Iowa WINs or Immigrants in the memo line. (902 S. Walnut, Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641). Food and household item donations can be brought to the First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Cup, or the Tolson Community Action Center.
This press release is posted with permission from Iowa Annual Conference Communications.