Yesterday (Dec. 18) the U. S. House of Representatives voted, for only the third time in history, to impeach the President of the United States. It was a sad day for the nation. It was a great day for those who believe in the Constitution, the rule of law and celebrate political officials who dare to take their oath of office seriously.
As the Social Action Commission and the servant leaders of the African Methodist Episcopal Church watched the impeachment's proceedings and vote, we remembered that we were one of the first in 2016 to warn the nation, and the world, about the looming "Trump Tyranny." Yet, we take no solace in the fact that God's revelation about Trump's lack of Constitutional character and his divisive and destructive policies would push our nation away from democracy and toward dictatorship were right.
As we watched the political courage of the Democrats, and the fawning cowardice of the Republicans, we reflected on the words of the Third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson: "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever."
As the nation saw the House move closer and closer to yesterday's vote, we heard from Republican leadership in the Senate that they had no intention of having a trial based on the Constitutional principles of impeachment - the basis for the vows that every Senator must take. In other words, they have decided to be blind to the Constitution's liberating light of justice, deaf to the voices of those who knew that the impeachment process was needed to protect the nation from dictatorship, and dumb to the need for the American people to hear the truth. The African Methodist Episcopal Church trembles for our country when we reflect that God is just and that God's justice will not sleep forever.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a powerful and life-changing sermon entitled "Remaining Awake Through A Great Revolution." Will the Republican Party and its supporters continue to take the sleeping pills of white supremacy and privilege, or will we all hear God's divine alarm clock calling us to stand up, speak up, and show up for freedom and justice for all?
We call upon our AME Constituencies and all people who believe in democracy, justice, and peace to join us in the following:
1. A day of prayer and fasting for our nation. Let us pray that God will heal our land.
2. Contact both of your Senators by email and phone call to register your belief that the trial in the Senate should be a real trial with witnesses and cross-examinations so the country can get the facts.
3. Inquire of your Senators, "Do they believe that any person who holds a political office is above the law?"
4. Organize your church, faith community, family, and community for the upcoming 2020 Elections. Encourage, equip, and empower them to stay inspired and involved to do their part in the spiritual, political, and economic revival of our nation and world
Bishop Harry L. Seawright, President of the Council of Bishops
Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson, Senior Bishop
Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram, President of the General Board
Bishop Frank M. Reid III, Chair of the Commission on Social Action
Mrs. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director of the Commission on Social Action
About the African Methodist Episcopal Church
The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church is the world's oldest Protestant denomination founded by persons of African descent. Founded by Bishop Richard Allen, its roots are in the Free African Society formed in 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It currently has 2.5 million members in 5000 congregations in 40 countries on five continents divided into 20 Episcopal Districts. The AME church has consistently advocated for the civil and human rights affecting individuals of African descent through social improvement, religious autonomy, and political engagement. Visit