Jan. Tips
is just a few days past the darkest day of the year, December 21.
With this month’s long dark nights,
it’s hard to not let our disposition and energy darken too.
But January is ever inching forward into the light.
God’s seasons remind us that the
Light came into the world
and the darkness did not overcome it.
God remains faithful, working through the dark toward a new season.
We can follow God’s leading.
WE CAN renew our commitment to be good stewards of our Earth. Choose one new thing to do throughout the year to care for creation.
WE CAN make our homes and churches more energy efficient. Fix the air leaks, use drapes to block the cold, change to LED lights, investigate possibilities for solar or Energy Star appliances.
WE CAN embrace zero waste. Create a reminder: Put a recycle bin next to your trash basket. Offer composting. Challenge family, colleagues, and church members to be thoughtful about their habits.
WE CAN learn and teach. Dig more deeply into the connections between science, the natural world, and faith. The more you learn, the more you can help others in your family, your circles of influence, and your congregation seeing themselves as faithful followers of Jesus and doing what is right for God’s planet and people.
WE CAN clean up. Review your closets for items to donate for reuse, to repurpose, or to recycle. Challenge your clean-up crew of family or congregation to avoid letting anything go to the landfill. One church’s campaign netted 220 serviceable winter coats that they donated to an organization helping unhoused persons.
WE CAN consume less meat. Explore the options for foods that are kinder to earth and to health. What we eat does have an impact on nature and climate change, as well as our own bodies. Try a new recipe. Host a meatless potluck and invite people to share their recipes.
WE CAN avoid single-use plastics. Take your own reusable bags when shopping. When eating out, bring your own non-plastic take-home container. Substitute bamboo, silicon, cloth from natural fibers, glass, or aluminum products for ones made of plastic.
WE CAN support the creation justice efforts of others. Help fund organizations that care for the environment and for communities that are vulnerable. They can gather resources and amass power that creates greater impact than individuals can.
WE CAN reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Minimize the use of paper, which comes from chopping down trees. Choose instead email, texting, recycled paper, or reusable scrap paper. Change to bamboo toilet tissue, which is not wrapped in plastic, and that spares trees so they can continue to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
WE CAN speak up. Talk to your family, friends, and church members about what you are learning and doing. You are a trusted resource for them. Your example and your encouragement are key to spreading wider the circle of caring for God’s planet and people.
Videos: "A Minute for Mother Earth"!
A series very short videos to help your congregation recognize God's call in the midst of climate-related issues. Each "Minute" is based on the curriculum, Wake Up World, A Curriculum on the Climate Crisis for Faith and Community Groups (available free on the website and in print form from Cokesbury). Access the complete series of "Minutes" free at www.wakeupworld.earth.