Jan. 21-25 Outlook
National Weather Service Map
Adapted from Iowa Annual Conference | Jan. 16, 2025
With frigid temperatures predicted for two-thirds of the United States over the next 10 days, now is the time to prepare for extreme winter conditions. Heimo Korth, star of The Last Alaskans, famously said, “It’s not the cold that will kill you—it’s not being prepared for the cold.” Take a few moments to ensure you and your family are ready to face the elements.
Personal Preparedness
Dress in layers to maintain body warmth.
- Keep your hands and head covered to prevent heat loss.
- Check on neighbors during and after winter storms, especially those who are elderly or vulnerable.
Home Preparedness
Develop a plan to stay warm if the power goes out. Remember: Never use an oven or gas-powered source indoors for heating.
- Ensure flashlights, candles, and fresh batteries are easily accessible.
- Stock up on non-perishable food and keep a manual can opener handy.
- Store water (one gallon per person or pet, per day) in a convenient location.
- Block drafts with towels or blankets along windows and doors.
- Don’t forget your pets! If it’s too cold for you outdoors, it’s too cold for them.
Vehicle Preparedness
Maintain at least half a tank of gas at all times.
- Carry an emergency kit with warm clothing, water, and non-perishable snacks.
- If stranded, STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE to stay warm and make it easier for rescuers to locate you.
- Inform someone of your travel plans and check in with family or friends while on the road.
For additional winter preparedness resources, visit ready.gov or the Red Cross website.
The Rev. Catie Newman serves as Disaster Response Coordinator for the Iowa Annual Conference.