TWC Headline Typo
Looks like the spirit of John Wesley may be behind a spring blizzard, according to the naming of a severe winter storm on The Weather Channel's website. (Screen capture by United Methodist Insight).
At first glance, it looked like a typographical error: "Heavy snow is increasing likely from Wesley."
To United Methodist readers, the name "Wesley" most often refers to the movement's founder, 18th century Anglican priest John Wesley. Or perhaps his hymn-writing brother Charles, or their formidable mother, Susanna. Or it might be a more modern designation, as Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., or countless United Methodist congregations.
In reality, however, the headline refers to The Weather Channel's practice of naming severe winter storms. "Wesley" just happened to be the next name in line.
So when this week's heavy snowfall blankets the northern tier of the United States, don't blame Methodism's founder. The blizzard's designation was just the luck of the draw.