Contributors Clipart
The Rev. Dan R. Dick is an ordained minister of The United Methodist Church serving in Extension Ministry as the Director of Connectional Ministries for the Wisconsin Annual Conference. A nationally known speaker, teacher, and author of thirteen books on spirituality, stewardship, congregational development, research, and spiritual gifts discovery, and an advocate for a more loving, inclusive church for the 21st century and beyond, Dan worked for the General Board of Discipleship in Nashville, Tennessee for 14 years in stewardship, congregational and conference planning, leadership development, and research. He blogs at United Methodeviations.
The Rev. Ben Gosden is associate pastor of Mulberry Street United Methodist Church in Macon, GA (South Georgia Annual Conference). He serves on the leadership team of The Foundery, a group of moderate and progressive pastors and laypeople in the conference. He blogs at Covered in the Master's Dust.
Bishop Scott Jones is episcopal leader of the Kansas Area of The United Methodist Church. Former professor of evangelism at United Methodist-related Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University and author of several books, he blogs at Extreme Center.
The Rev. Tim McClendon serves as district superintendent for the Columbia District of the South Carolina Annual Conference. A clay worker and semi-professional potter, he blogs at A Potter's View.
The Rev. Sky McCracken serves as a district superintendent in the Paducah District of the Memphis Annual Conference. He blogs at Kyrie Eleison (Greek for "Lord, have mercy").
John Meunier is a licensed local pastor in the Indiana Annual Conference, currently serving serving Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, and is a participant in the Indiana Conference's Wesleyan ConneXion. He teaches business communication at Indiana University in the Kelley School of Business. John blogs at John Meunier, "An Arrow Through the Air."
The Rev. Robert Rynders is United Methodist campus minister at Arizona State University in Phoenix. He's active in the "emerging Christianity" movement in his area and blogs at Rob
ADDED December 2011
Mary Brooke Casad is executive secretary of the Connectional Table. Her blog is About the Connection.
ADDED Jan. 11, 2012
Cynthia B. Astle is project coordinator for United Methodist Insight. A journalist of nearly four decades' experience, more than half of that time specializing in religion, she has served on the international boards of United Methodist Communicators and the Associated Church Press. She has been a Certified Lay Speaker in the North Texas Annual Conference since 1993. Her UM Insight blog is Views from a Ridge.
The Rev. Holly Boardman is a retired United Methodist pastor and public school teacher in Florida currently studying for certification in e-learning. She blogs at
The Rev. Dalton Rushing is an associate pastor at Johns Creek UMC in Georgia and former communications staff for United Methodist Volunteers in Mission for the Southeastern Jurisdiction. He blogs at The Inside Out Life.