Keeping vigil
Photo by Carly Hendrickson on Unsplash
October 30, 2023
“I can think of no election more consequential for the future of the U.S. than the next one will be. We cannot afford to take one more step toward losing our birthright gift of democracy in favor of some form of authoritarianism.” – Parker Palmer
Agreeing strongly with Palmer, and believing we are in a moment when we must resist the evil of authoritarianism in general and Christian Nationalism in particular, I begin this new, occasional series here on Oboedire. Two factors have come together to move me to do this.
The first is the growing amount of incontrovertible evidence that there is a longstanding, sustained, and systemic effort under way to deny the ethic of the common good, and to enshrine a destruction of democracy.
The second is the vigil motif in the Bible, including Jesus’ call for us to have eyes that see and ears that hear (Mark 8:18), and with this attentiveness to “keep watch” (Matthew 26:41). Disciples of Christ live wide-awake lives.
I will write more about each of these factors in upcoming posts. The series begins with overview posts, and then continues with occasional posts that apply the idea of vigil to specific challenges we are facing, particularly in the coming twelve months of elections. After that, we’ll see.
The “Vigil” series arises from my conviction that we are in a “darkened mind” time akin to what Paul described in Romans—a time of faux religion that is idolatrous, egoic/ethnocentric, and imperialistic—populated with pathological narcissists addicted to power and granted hero, even messianic, status by their followers. We are seeing in our day people Jesus called out in his day, those who prefer darkness to light because their deeds are evil (John 3:18-20). And now as then, some of these extremists openly tout their agenda, albeit by deception. They are not hesitant to declare their agenda; we must not be silent in resisting it.
As a Christian in the Wesleyan tradition, where social holiness is a hallmark, I do my little part to join with those who are nonviolently resisting evil and seeking to overcome evil with good. This “Vigil” series will offer commentary and resourcing for living well in these perilous times.
In this introductory post, I remind you that at the top of the Oboedire home page you will find an icon entitled “Christian Nationalism,” where you find resources for understanding and opposing it. Start with a study of David Gushee’s new book, ‘Defending Democracy From It’s Christian Enemies.’
Do this with hope and in the confidence that God is at work to raise up a people intent on following Jesus toward Beloved Community and the Peaceable Kingdom. We shall overcome!