Gun violence kills 93 people each day in the U.S. Our homes, our schools and our congregations are not immune. Addressing this epidemic is a Gospel call.
The United Methodist General Board of Church and Society is participating in two upcoming events that may interest church members.
In partnership with Heeding God's Call to End Gun Violence, Church and Society will host a two-day retreat April 11-12, 2018, in Washington, D.C., for gun violence families and survivors in Washington, D.C. and the nearby states of Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Born from a collaboration with two United Methodist mothers who lost their sons to gun violence, this retreat seeks to provide a place of spiritual and emotional healing coupled with strategic planning and action. More information about the retreat is available on Church and Society's website. There will also be an information session 6:30-9 p.m. March 8 at Asbury United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. (926 11th St., NW).
The March for Our Lives will be held in many communities around the country Saturday, March 24. Sign up to join a march in your community or organize a group from your congregation to attend together. If attending the march in Washington, D.C., email Jeania Ree Moore to connect with the United Methodist contingent marching. National United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. (3401 Nebraska Ave., NW) will be hosting a lock-in for youth groups traveling to D.C. for the march Friday night, March 23.
_ From Jeania Ree Moore, Director of Civil and Human Rights Advocacy, General Board of Church and Society.