Bishop Sally Dyck (Chicago Area) chose to post a video of reassurance to the Northern Illinois Annual Conference, focusing on the impacts of the exit plan adopted by General Conference 2019. In particular, Bishop Dyck noted that the financial requirements for "disaffiliation," or leaving The United Methodist Church, are so high in the current legislation that they are out of reach for some disaffected churches, both large-membership and small-membership.
Nonetheless, Bishop Dyck emphasized, "We aren't going out of business."
Bishop Sally Dyck Video
Prominent Pastor Faces Charges over Same-Sex Wedding
Outspoken LGBTQ advocate the Rev. Andy Oliver faces charges in the Florida Annual Conference for having performed a wedding for a lesbian couple.
Waveney Ann Moore reported in the Tampa Bay Times that Rev. Oliver officiated March 16 at the wedding of a lesbian couple who are members of Oliver's Allentown United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg, Fla. The wedding took place at the Dr. Carter G. Woodson African American Museum.
Ms. Moore wrote: "Ten days later, the Rev. Brent Byerman, of Lake Magdalene United Methodist Church in Tampa, lodged a formal complaint against Oliver with the bishop of the denomination's Florida Conference. A meeting to resolve the matter is scheduled for 3 p.m. on May 29 with Bishop Ken Carter at his Lakeland office."
Both Rev. Byerman and the bishop's assistant, the Rev. Alex Shanks, declined to comment to the reporter on the complaint, citing the confidentiality provision of "fair process" in the United Methodist Book of Discipline.
Ms. Moore further wrote: "Oliver said he and his congregation are 'saddened that a pastor who is not even a part of our community felt the need to try to control the ministries' being offered to LGBTQ people.
"'I don't think of myself as a victim in this. The real victims are LGBTQ persons who are having their lives and their faith legislated,' [Rev. Oliver] said. 'This complaint system seeks to create a culture of fear that would try to prevent clergy from doing the same thing that we did, opening up their marriage altar to all people that are ready for marriage.'"
Moore reported that "one of the brides from the March ceremony will accompany [Oliver] to the May 29 session with Bishop Carter.
The Times article also quoted the Rev. Keith Boyette, president of the Wesleyan Covenant Association: "'The goal of the complaint is to reach a 'just resolution,' Boyette said, using the denomination's language. 'It goes to trial only as a last resort. ... It's a system internal to the church to preserve the order of the church and to uphold the discipline of the church.'
"Asked whether Oliver's accuser violated the Book of Discipline by interfering with his ministry, Boyette emphasized that same-sex ceremonies are against church policy. If Oliver feels called to that ministry, he should do so outside the United Methodist Church, he said."
Media Mentions as of May 3, 2019
UMC Court upholds Traditional Plan – Dallas Voice
OWU, Otterbein await United Methodist Church reform of LGBTQ stance – ThisWeek Community News
Wesley Center's openly queer pastor to resign amid church tensions – UI The Daily Iowan