For some reason, hopefully a good one, I have kept the December 29, 2014 issue of TIME Magazine laying on my desk right in front of me. I have seen it there every day. I just could not bring myself to toss it in the recyclable ben like other issues. For some reason, I could not let it go. Some of this magazine's contents are a reminder of how things are and how things ought to be in this world, too often a world of shattered dreams and broken relationships.
On the front cover of this issue of TIME is the picture of Scott Kelly, the astronaut who is being prepped to spend one year in space as a part of future research and studies of one day landing a man on Mars. Such a project seems totally and humanly impossible; but years ago it was completely out of the realm of reason that one day a man would walk on the surface of the Moon. Yet, we are all witnesses to this historic and unbelievable event.
The thing that really caught my attention about this issue of TIME are the comments by Nancy Gibbs, Editor of TIME.
Gibbs writes, "TIME will be following their (NASA) adventures throughout the year...up in space but also back at mission print, online and in a video series. We are entering a new age of exploration, driven by public and private enterprise, with a leap to Mars not only possible but probable."
Terrorism is the infliction of pain and destruction on others for the purpose of selfish gain, regardless of the cost. Location, time, place and victim are of no consequence.
Gibbs then quotes, Matt Vella, assistant managing editor of TIME who writes, "While it's common to think of America as in decline, as stagnant ... the truth is, the Kelly mission is asking questions we've never had the ambition to. This is happening across the world in science, medicine, politics and energy." As a retired Methodist clergyman I ask, why not dare to ask these same questions about religion, race, terrorism, marriage and the family, gender issues, poverty and such? What about the pursuit of new frontiers in all of these areas which consume and touch us all?
For me, the entire editorial by Gibbs centers around her closing statement, "In each case, power devolves upon those who set out for new frontiers." If it is common knowledge that America is in decline, as stagnant, (this is iffy to say the least) then is it not the time to elect broad minded, courageous, compassionate politicians to public office who seek office to serve all the people, and not themselves, politicians who endeavor to work across the isles of the U. S. Congress, who build bridges, who build up and do not tear down? Who support and not just oppose. Who save and not destroy. As is often said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand". What an area for the pursuit of new frontiers...
A word daily in the evening news is the word terrorism. Through all forms of news outlets we are witnesses every day to the warped beliefs and barbaric acts of terrorism. We sometime think of terrorism as occurring over there; not over here.
We need to remind ourselves, that terrorism comes in many forms, shapes and sizes and from a cross section of human beings, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Terrorism is no respecter of persons. While terrorism may find its outlet in guns and weapons of all descriptions, terrorism can also appear in threats, intimidation, deception, lies, deceit, and half truths.
Words are also weapons, and often quite deadly. The words of a well educated man or woman dressed in a pinstriped suit may be just as deadly as a hate-filled terrorist with deadly ammo strapped to his hips. It's all in the mind of the beholder. Terrorism is the infliction of pain and destruction on others for the purpose of selfish gain, regardless of the cost. Location, time, place and victim are of no consequence.
From the beginning of time, wise men and women who have made a difference for the good of others have always dared to set out for new frontiers, with no looking back, but pressing on regardless. And we are their beneficiaries.
Life is much like watching an exciting movie on television. It's so easy to become distracted by the endless line of stupid commercials, and fail to see and appreciate the feature story.
I think Jesus Christ made this point quite clear when he said, "To be the greatest, be a servant". Matthew 23:11 What a frontier!
Nancy Gibbs said, "Power devolves (settles) upon those who set out for new frontiers". The new frontiers are clearly visible, the frontiers of a more decent and humane world order. Can you see them? Better still, will you dare to pursue them?
The Rev. Billy Cox is a retired United Methodist pastor, a World War II veteran, and served as a captain in the U.S. Air Force chaplain corps.