In Portland, preparing for the meetings of the Council of Bishops and the General Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Some random thoughts:
It is possible to desire internal accountability and trust within the Council of Bishops and more gracious and missional language in the Book of Discipline around human sexuality. A paradox is two truths held together, side by side.
It is possible to be both reconciling and confessing---these realities come together at the cross. "Movements" that claim these names would do well to more fully realize the riches of the words that identify them and live into their meaning.
It is possible to hold together John 1 (grace and truth) and John 17 (unity) without privileging either. We too easily separate these words conceptually, but in practice Jesus embodies them.
It is possible to live together as people with healthy boundaries, and yet to know the mercy of God which has no boundaries or borders.
It is possible to do the work of Jesus in the way of Jesus---the end never justifies the means.
It is possible that the Triune God has a purpose for the people called Methodist that is unknown to us, that transcends our modest tribal goals and outcomes.
It is possible that we will depart from Portland after having encountered God in the "other", whoever that is for us, and that we will have fresh eyes to see a world that God loves in a more compassionate and Christ-like way.
I am claiming the promise of Jesus: "With God all things are possible". (Matthew 19. 26)
Bishop Ken Carter serves as the episcopal leader of the Florida Episcopal Area. This post is republished with his permission.