Larry McCormack
The Rev. Ande Emmanuel, Southern Nigeria Annual Conference, gives a report to delegates May 2, 2024 during General Conference.(Photo by Larry McCormack, UM News)
Note: The Author of this letter is Rev. Ande I. Emmanuel, a Delegate from Nigeria. Rev. Emmanuel is the Coordinator of Africa Voice of Unity and one of the leaders of the Africa Forum. He is also an active member of the Mainstream UMC Board. Rev. Emmanuel has been very vocal in supporting regionalization. This letter is in response to the false statements issued on May 2, 2024 by the Africa Initiative that is aligned with the Global Methodist Church (GMC).
To: United Methodist General Conference Delegates
From: The Africa Voice of Unity (AVOU)
Grace and peace of Jesus Christ be with all delegates to the 2020 General Conference being held in 2024 here in Charlotte and United Methodists and well-wishers watching all over the world. We are voices of unity for the United Methodist Church from conferences across Africa, both lay and clergy. We join millions of United Methodist in rejoicing for the success recorded at this General Conference. Our church is holding the most peaceful, respectful and spirit-filled General Conference in more than 40 years. Since we have been here, we have witnessed increased energy in hospitality, willingness to listen from delegates, bishops and presiding officers alike.
This statement is necessary because of the respect and confidence we have of all the proceedings of the General Conference so far, the deep love we have for our beloved United Methodist Church, and the promising future that lies ahead of us.
We have come across a statement titled “A Position of the Majority Delegates of the Central Conferences of Africa to the UMC General Conference, Charlotte, USA April 23 - May 3, 2024” written by five WCA/GMC proxies among African delegates. We wish to unequivocally make it clear to all the delegates, United Methodists and well-wishers that this statement is presented falsely and does not represent the majority of African delegates as claimed. Judging from the votes taken on the consent calendar items yesterday and today, including some of more than 90%, it is clear that the majority of Africans are in support of every positive action taken so far by the General Conference.
We are aware of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic which caused several postponements of the General Conference, and we appreciate the work of the organizers of the General Conference to make the event finally happen. Despite all challenges, Africa’s representation and participation are visible. The General Conference has heard the voice of African delegates and passed a resolution that will ensure effective participation of Central Conferences specifically in Africa going forward into the future. We have all experienced a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.
Worldwide Regionalization
The United Methodist Church (UMC) has adopted worldwide regionalization to address various concerns, including those specific to Africa. With worldwide regionalization, Africa will make decisions and policies that are more responsive to African contexts and challenges. It offers Africa the autonomy to continue to adapt our Book of Discipline based on our context. This allows African churches to address their unique theological, social, and cultural issues without strict oversight from other bodies of the church including the United States. Regionalization will allow more equitable resource allocation, ensuring that African churches receive the support they need for their ministries and missions. Regionalization can enhance mission and outreach efforts by allowing African churches to develop strategies that are tailored to their communities, languages, and cultural norms.
Social Principles and Definition of Marriage
Within the context of Worldwide Regionalization, as adopted by the General Conference, Africa will hold its definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Therefore, it is a great distortion of fact to give the impression that the United Methodist Church is enforcing every region of the church to accept same-sex marriages. In fact, it was an African who suggested the language on marriage we adopted.
We wish to make it clear here that the statement issued on May 2nd by a few individuals does not represent the voice of Africa. We are excited to be in the United Methodist Church today and in the years to come.
Rev. Ande I. Emmanuel
Coordinator of the Africa Voice of Unity
Clergy Delegate, Southern Nigeria Annual Conference
West Africa Central Conference