Cal-Pac MFSA
The California-Pacific Conference Chapter of Methodist Federation for Social Action will present a day-long seminar Feb. 24 to inform General Conference delegates and interested clergy and laity on issues coming before the United Methodist General Conference scheduled April 23-May 3 in Charlotte, NC. The coming session is being considered officially as the delayed 2020 gathering of General Conference in accordance with the United Methodist Book of Discipline, the collection of church laws and policies.
The Cal-Pac MFSA event will begin at 9 a.m. (PT) with registration and continental breakfast, with the program beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Holman United Methodist Church, 3320 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles. The event concludes at 3:30 p.m. and also will be streamed on Zoom.
The $30 in-person registration includes breakfast and lunch. There is a $5 registration for Zoom participants to help defray the video cost, but no one will be excluded because of inability to pay, according to the announcement. Click here to register
Featured speakers and their topics will be:
- The Rev. Dr. Izzy Alvaran, a clergy member of the Philippines Annual Conference and a convener of the Christmas Covenant team, speaking "Regional Legislation: Decolonizing Our Church."
- The Rev. Dr. Mary Elizabeth Moore, co-chair, Worldwide Writing Team for Revised Social Principles and Dean Emerita, Boston University School of Theology, speaking on "The Revised Social Principles: Responding to the 21st Century."
In addition to the keynote speakers, presentations will include:
- The Hawaii Act of Repentance Task Force with the Rev. Amy Wake
- The Cal-Pac Palestine/Israel Task Force: with Theresa Basile
- Fossil Free UMC with Rev. Sharon Delgado and United Methodist Creation Justice Movement with Rev. Nancy Blade
- MARCHA, Metodistas Asociados Representando la Causa Hispano Americana
- NFAAUM, New Federation of Asian American United Methodists