UMNS Photo by Mike DuBose
Philly Gay Wedding
Richard Taylor (left, center) and William Gatewood sing a hymn with clergy and faith leaders after their wedding at Arch Street United Methodist Church. At left rear is the Rev. Robin Hynicka, senior pastor. At right is the Rev. Herbert Snyder, who served Arch Street before his retirement.
Events in the world outside The United Methodist Church are intensifying the debate within the denomination.
Last week, Oregon and Pennsylvania became the most recent states where gay and lesbian couples can legally marry after federal judges overturned the states’ bans on same-sex civil marriage. Leaders in both states have decided not to appeal the rulings.
Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriage. Nearly 44 percent of Americans live in states where same-sex marriage is legal, according to USA Today. Legal challenges also are now proceeding against same-sex civil marriage bans in 30 states. Only one state — North Dakota — with a gay marriage ban is not facing some form of legal challenge, reports The Associated Press.
Meanwhile, Gallup reported last week that support in the United States for legal same-sex marriage has reached 55 percent. Among U.S. adults under 30, that support has grown to 78 percent, Gallup found.
But outside the United States, it’s often a much different story. Under Russian law, “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations to minors” can be fined.
Homosexual acts are criminalized in 38 of 54 African countries, including most of the 18 African countries [UMCom1] that potentially could send delegates to the denomination’s top lawmaking body, General Conference. Most of these laws were first introduced by colonial powers in Africa. In parts of Nigeria, gays can face the death penalty.
South Africa — where The United Methodist Church has a small, provisional conference — is the only African country that has legalized same-sex marriage.
The United Methodist Church is growing in Africa. At the next General Conference, 30 percent of delegates will come from that continent.