The United Methodist Church's monitoring agency, the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, has found that women overall still lag behind men significantly in appointments as district superintendents. These leadership positions form the executive cabinet of annual conferences assisting the resident bishop in making annual appointments, along with conducting annual charge conference sessions for local congregations.
This year the commission, in its ongoing "Women by the Numbers" feature, has found that clergywomen account for 20 percent or fewer district superintendents in 12 U.S. annual conferences.
Least Females
The General Commission on Status and Role of Women compiles statistics on the representation of female leadership across The United Methodist Church. This chart shows the annual conferences with the fewest number of female district superintendents.
In contrast, women make up 100 percent of district superintendents in two smaller-membership annual conferences, Oklahoma Indian Missionary and Yellowstone (covering parts of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho).
Most Female DS's
The annual conferences with the most female district superintendents, compiled from the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women.
The commission has other extensive statistical reports including minority representation as well in its Women by the Numbers feature. Click here for the complete report by Kelly Fenelon on the commission's website.