Michigan Area Press Release
SEPT 09, 2015…In an effort to engage in factual conversations on difficult topics, the Michigan Area today released information related to Ms. Ginny Mikita. Because Ms. Mikita is not an ordained member of The United Methodist Church (UMC), the Michigan Area is able to comment on allegations made on social media.
According to errant social media posts, Ms. Mikita was “excommunicated” by Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey and District Superintendent William Haggard for officiating at a same-sex marriage.
According to The Book of Discipline , the instrument for setting forth the laws, plan, polity, and process by which United Methodists govern themselves, neither bishops or district superintendents have the authority to excommunicate lay persons from the church, nor to remove individuals from candidacy for ministry.
In choosing to become ordained in The Universal Life Church (ULC), Ms. Mikita elected to change denominations. This action automatically withdrew her membership in The United Methodist Church and as a certified candidate for ministry. According to The Book of Discipline ¶241, “If a pastor is informed that a member has without notice united with a church of another denomination, the pastor shall make diligent inquiry and, if the report is confirmed, shall enter “Withdrawn” after her person’s name on the membership roll and shall report the same to the next charge conference.” Ms. Mikita did inform her pastor; she did not inform her district superintendent before pursuing ordination in the ULC.
There are numerous paths for return to The United Methodist Church. If Ms. Mikita wishes to maintain her ordination status in The ULC her local UMC church is able to add her to membership of a local church as an associate member with the reaffirmation of the baptismal vows. To become a certified candidate for ministry, Ms. Mikita would need to give up her membership in the ULC and, after a period of one year, reapply to become a candidate for ministry. This process would be under the authority of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOM).
The relationship of LGBTQ persons in The United Methodist Church has been the source of intense emotional debate for decades. Faithful members of The United Methodist Church represent a diverse spectrum of belief on all sides of these matters. The church’s official position is contained in The Book of Discipline. The Book of Discipline is reviewed and can be revised every four years only at General Conference. This global meeting of United Methodist elected clergy and laity delegates will take place in Portland, Oregon in May 2016. Bishops, by definition, are required to uphold The Book of Discipline and are unable to change or vote on changes to church polity.
The West Michigan and the Detroit Conference comprise the Michigan Area of The United Methodist Church. Together, these annual conferences represent nearly 900 United Methodist churches and over 150,000 members in Michigan. The Michigan Area Office is located in Lansing, Michigan. Bishop Kiesey has led the Michigan Area since September 2012.