Pray for Peace and Healing
In preparation for the Nov. 3 national election, leaders of men’s ministries in the United Methodist Church, the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ) Church, and the Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church will conduct a one-hour virtual prayer meeting on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon (Central).
“In our preparations for the successful Day of Prayer on Sept. 26, this second day was projected,” said Gil Hanke, top staff executive of the General Commission on United Methodist Men.
“We felt a one-hour, non-partisan prayer session in preparation for the U.S. election would be a helpful and a holy next step. Within that hour, 10 people will pray for 5 minutes each on topics provided by the leaders.”
Topics include prayers for:
- Healing in our homes;
- Repairing divisions within our churches;
- Reconciling fractures in the nation;
- Ensuring safety for poll workers;
- Providing support and safe practices for health-care workers, and
- Establishing peace and safety for all people.
Mississippi Bishop James Swanson, president of the General Commission on United Methodist Men, will be the final speaker. Other speakers include Bishop David Daniel of the AME Church, Dr. Bryan Champion of the CME Church, and Bishop Micheal Frencher of the AMEZ Church.
To view and listen to the speakers, link to Zoom.us: Meeting ID 889 2367 6863. Passcode: 12419
Rich Peck writes for the General Commission on United Methodist Men.