Two LGBTQ persons, Joey Heath-Mason and T. C. Morrow, were approved for commissioning as ordained clergy in the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference May 29, according to a Facebook post from Jan Lawrence, executive director of the Reconciling Ministries Network.
Mr. Heath-Mason, a married gay man, currently serves as a chaplain at UMC-related American University in Washington, D.C. Ms. Morrow, a married lesbian, works with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture in Washington.
Ms. Morrow’s congregation, Foundry United Methodist Church, celebrated her approval in an email from its Sacred Resistance ministry team:
“We celebrate the decision of the clergy of the Baltimore-Washington Conference who today voted to approve the Board of Ordained Ministry’s recommendation to accept T.C. Morrow as a provisional member of the Order of Deacon in The United Methodist Church. We have been blessed by T.C.’s faithful and consistent answer to God’s call on her life and rejoice that we are companions together on this journey. Please join us in celebrating God’s continued call on T.C.’s life by joining us for the 2019 Ordination Service at 7PM on Friday, May 31st at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel (700 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21202) in the Grand Ballroom.
“We invite you to surround T.C. with your prayers as she continues to offer herself in ministry. We ask you to join us in prayer for the Baltimore-Washington Conference as they continue to lead with conviction and for all LGBTQIA+ persons who faithfully offer themselves for the work of ministry in The United Methodist Church. We ask you to join us in prayer for our United Methodist Church as we all live faithfully in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
Previously Ms. Morrow had been approved by the Baltimore-Washington board of ordained ministry, but her commissioning has been delayed for three years because of The United Methodist Church’s ban on ordaining LGBTQIA+ persons. Last year, when Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling refused to allow the BWC clergy session to vote on Ms. Morrow’s candidacy, noted ethicist J. Philip Wogaman, a longtime advocate of LGBTQ inclusion, surrendered his clergy credentials in protest.
Bishop Easterling’s ruling on the clergy session vote subsequently was overturned by the United Methodist Judicial Council, which reviews all rulings of law made by bishops.

Susquehanna RM Communion
Sweet communion offered
How’d you like to have Holy Communion where they make chocolate? Susquehanna Reconciling United Methodists will sponsor Eucharist at noontime Friday, May 31 in Hershey, Pa., during the 2019 Susquehanna Annual Conference (central Pennsylvania and southern New York). Because Hershey’s claim to fame is its famous chocolate factory, the convention center names its rooms accordingly. Reconciling United Methodists will gather in the Chocolate Lobby, and may their fellowship be sweet.
Media Mentions as of May 29, 2019
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