The Evangelisch-metodistische Kirke (EmK) im Schweiz (United Methodist Church in Switzerland) has recently announced an "innovation prize" for those with ideas about how the church can connect to people who have no previous connection to Christianity, as is true for an increasing number of people in Swiss society. Successful proposals will receive coaching to refine the ideas and financing for ideas that will be implemented. More information (in German) can be found on the page for the "Methodist Prix innovation" and this PDF overview of the process.
This innovation prize is another example of how a body of the church that is committed to furthering evangelism by developing new forms of church can go about that process by structurally supporting such innovation. The EmK in Switzerland has already experimented with such structural support for innovation by forming a Fresh Expressions district. Other annual conferences and districts interested in how they can promote evangelism and new forms of church for the unchurched may be interested in following the Swiss examples.
This post is republished with permission from UM & Global.