The Iowa Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church was among organizations that Monday distributed a statement in support of immigrants, refugees and Muslims in opposition to President Donald Trump's Jan. 28 executive order restricting their entry into the United States.
Connie Ryan, executive director of the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa & Action Fund in Des Moines, IA, invited clergy and faith leaders across the state to sign on to the document in an email distributed by the Iowa Conference . She said the organization may use it as an advertisement, an opinion article, or other public declaration.
The interfaith alliance also participates with 25 other progressive organizations in Moral Mondays Iowa, an initiative that the interfaith website describes as "a collaborative project designed to highlight the progress at work in the Iowa legislature. ... MMI proactively supports the moral good sought through policies that span a range of progressive issues and works for the advancement of Iowa values like equality, fairness, and justice." Demonstrators gather each Monday at noon at the Iowa Capitol in Des Moines.
Here's the full text of the interfaith statement:
As faith leaders from across Iowa, we are committed to Love Our Neighbors both near and far. We stand with the immigrants and refugees already in this land as well as those yet to come. We walk alongside people who practice beliefs different than our own, particularly our Muslim friends and neighbors, honoring all faith traditions and protecting religious freedom, for it is the bedrock of our nation and from which all benefit.
We implore our elected officials, including President Donald Trump, and all those who share this great land to hold and respect these truths:
- All people must be treated with the inherent worth and dignity from which they were created;
- The greatness of this nation stands on the shoulders of those who came from many other countries often to find safety and always to make a better life. Those who have risked their lives to come to America seeking a hopeful future should be treated with compassion, respect, and welcome;
- We as a nation, and since our inception, are committed to protecting all religious traditions and beliefs, which only strengthens the beautiful and intricate fabric of this land;
- Civil laws must equally protect all people to be free from discrimination;
- And, all people should benefit from the expectation of fairness and justice, regardless of immigration or refugee status, or religious beliefs.
Therefore, as faith leaders from across Iowa representing many of the traditions that make our state and nation great, and sparing neither strength nor courage, we pledge ourselves to stand and work together alongside all immigrants and refugees as well as our neighbors from every religious belief, protecting their dignity and their rights in this great state and land.
We call upon President Donald Trump to divert energy from building walls between neighbors to seeking comprehensive immigration reform, thereby ensuring families the ability to continue to reside together, holding no offense against immigrants who were brought into this country as minors, and providing a pathway to hope and citizenship for all who add to the goodness of our nation by seeking a better life and future within its borders.
In remembrance of and respect to those who experienced the Jewish Holocaust and the Japanese American internment camps, we pledge, “Never again!” We reject any policy or law that would persecute our Muslim neighbors, or those of any religious belief, or bar those who flee their homeland for a secure life in America. We embrace those who seek safety and refuge as we remember the many who have been turned away during the darkest of times in human history.
We also call upon Iowa’s municipal, county, state and federal elected officials to honor and uphold the rich welcoming history of this state, and of Governor Robert Ray who demonstrated love of neighbor, to resist participation in immoral and unconstitutional executive actions concerning immigration enforcement.
We ask all of our elected leaders to show compassion and to extend a hand of welcome to all immigrants who seek a better life and who contribute richly to the well-being of our communities, our state and our nation.