COVID-19 is much like the old movie, “The Man Who Came to Dinner” – it’s the “guest” that just won’t go away and it keeps meddling in everyone’s business.
In the United States, new Omicron coronavirus infections are starting to decline, but hospitalizations and deaths are still rising. Churches that had cheerily held in-person worship during the holidays have reverted to online-only services or to hybrid services with strict COVID-19 protocols in place.
Schools are suffering the worst of all, with exhausted teachers, parents, and students anxious about infection and frustrated by the emotion-wracked debates over mask mandates and testing requirements. Even churches without affiliated childcare or school facilities are trying to cope with the strains of COVID-19 regulations affecting families. Some churches have beefed up or started mental health ministries specifically to aid folks with coronavirus fatigue.
The upshot is that while we’re not back at ground zero in the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve certainly slid backward quite a way. Olivia McCormack of The Washington Post reports: “Between Dec. 29. and Jan. 10, approximately 8.8 million workers reported being unable to go to their jobs because they either had covid or were taking care of someone who did.” She goes on to offer some excellent tips for how to help someone who’s contracted COVID-19, such as supplying groceries, picking up medication from the pharmacy, helping with chores and especially remembering them with cards, phone calls and other notices.
For all that we continue to struggle with Omicron’s short-term effects, some scientists now are wondering whether the latest coronavirus variant might be “Mother Nature’s vaccine.” This rather startling idea came about because of three Omicron characteristics, according to an article on The Conversation:
- “it spreads efficiently and quickly,
- “it generally causes milder disease than previous variants and
- “it may confer strong protection against other variants such as delta.”
If this hypothesis bears out, perhaps our unwelcome “guest” will soon depart – or at least become more manageable than the current raging pandemic.

Transit Day
The next climate report
Faith-based and secular climate activists are looking toward the next phase of the U.N.-related Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report Feb. 28. According to The Guardian’s “Down to Earth” newsletter:
“In the next few weeks, the world’s top climate scientists will convene again, to finalize the second part of their mammoth report. It will set out the probable real-world impacts of our changes to the climate. A summary for policymakers will detail the dangers, for consideration by political leaders and governments, to inform their domestic decision-making and international efforts to combat the crisis.”
Covering Climate Now reports: "A majority of Americans (63%) are worried about climate change, according to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. They believe Congress should be doing more to address it (60%), and overwhelmingly support policies such as incentives for solar panels (82%)."
Between now and then, United Methodist advocates will continue their efforts at informing, educating and mobilizing people to continue and expand efforts to care for God’s creation. Among the planned events:
United Methodist Creation Justice Movement will hold the final two workshops in its seven-part series, “Starting and/or Growing a Conference Ministry. Sessions 6 and 7 are scheduled tentatively for Feb. 21 – “Moving to Mission: Activities on the Ground” and March 7 – “How Might We Restore Ourselves in Mission?” For more information contact Dan Joranko at or online here.
Liz Lee, climate executive for United Methodist Women, writes: “Do you want public transit to be accessible, safe, affordable, support transit workers, and powered by clean energy? Take action and join the Transit Equity Day livestream event on Feb. 4 from 12-2 p.m. ET on the Labor Network for Sustainability YouTube Page. … Please visit our website, where you can find resources, links, and more ways to get involved. You can learn more about Transit Equity Day in this short video.”
Know of any local or regional climate justice events that Insight reads might like? Email Insight with details.
Faith for Earth dialogue coming
The United Nations organization Faith for Earth says in its recent newsletter that it's collaborating "with a diverse group of faith-organisations, faith leaders, partners and friends will be organizing the Faith for Earth Dialogue Session that will be held as part of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2) from Feb. 21 to March 4, 2022. The theme of UNEA 5.2 'Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals' is closely linked with the Faith for Earth Strategy and the tremendous efforts that our faith partners are undertaking." Check out the links for more information.
First aid for mental health
Wespath, the pension and benefits agency for United Methodist clergy and church workers, will offer a two-part virtual webinar in March. According to an announcement: "Leading the training is Chris White, an international UK government hostage and crisis negotiator and First Aid for Mental Health trainer. This training will teach you how to identify and understand mental health challenges with empathy, and without judgment.
"Session 1: The Basics will be held on March 10 at 10 am, 2 pm, and 7 pm. Session 2: A Deeper Dive will be held on March 24 at 10 am, 2 pm, and 7 pm. You will need to register for both Sessions 1 and 2 to guarantee your spot in both sessions. Learn more Register"
Media Mentions as of Jan. 27, 2022
Northwood church welcomes women, children in for shelter from the cold and a safe place to sleep – WTOL
Bridgeport (West Virginia) United Methodist Church members stay committed to food ... - WV News