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Mexico City Earthquake
A 7.1-magnitude earthquake Sept. 19 in Mexico City toppled buildings such as this one.
While much U.S. attention has been focused on victims of three hurricanes, United Methodists also reached out to Mexicans affected by two major earthquakes that have brought destruction to Mexico City and the southern Mexican states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Morelos.
An 8.1-magnitude earthquake struck Oaxaca, Chiapas and Morelos on Sept. 7, followed on Sept. 19 by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake in the vicinity of Mexico City. The earthquakes caused widespread damage to homes, hospitals and infrastructure. Overall, nearly 300 people have died in the two temblors, making these the deadliest quakes to hit Mexico in more than 30 years.
United Methodist response has come mainly from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and the California-Pacific Annual Conference.
As of Tuesday, Sept. 26, UMCOR reported:
"Global Ministries' two missionaries, Hector LaPorta and Amanda Cherry, are serving in Mexico City, Mexico. Both reported they are safe and accounted for. Though the impact of the earthquake was widespread in Mexico City, the neighborhoods where they live were not as heavily damaged as others in the city. Both missionaries are actively working with volunteers from the Methodist Church [of Mexico] and from local universities to assist with cleanup and assessment. The community is in great need of pastoral support as many people have died because of the earthquake. There is also need for housing, food, and non-food items for families who have lost their homes."
To support UMCOR’s efforts in international disaster response, give to Advance #982450.
From the California-Pacific Annual Conference website:
"Our California-Pacific Conference South District’s Hispanic/Latino Committee is planning for a special donation for those affected by the earthquakes in Mexico. Additional information will be announced as it becomes available.
"5 Things You Can Do:
- Please continue to pray for those whose lives have been impacted by these disasters, including those among us in the California-Pacific Conference who have loved ones in the directly affected areas.
- Make relief kits and flood buckets – Any church can help build health kits and cleaning buckets by following these instructions from UMCOR. Contact Cal-Pac’s Carol Ann Nelsen CACNelsen@yahoo.com to arrange for delivering them.
- Give to UMCOR‘s United States Disaster Response Advance (#901670), and/or the International Disaster Response Advance (#982450).
- Please donate only those items requested.
- Please wait for an invitation to volunteer for a response team. From Cal-Pac, please coordinate with the Disaster Response Task Force (disasterresponse@calpacumc.org) and notify them of your interest in joining a team."