Unity hands
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November 30, 2023
Vigil occurs in community. We are not alone in the task of seeing evil and resisting it, or in the task of seeing good and commending it. Here are ministries engaged in vigil….
Americans United. This group began in 1947. Its time-honored ministry offers a variety of resources, along with opportunities to be personally involved. (www.au.org)
Christians Against Christian Nationalism. Begun in 2019, this movement is a place for Christians to call out Christian nationalism and the threat it poses to our faith and democracy. On their homepage, click on the FAQ section to see what they offer and how you can be involved. (www.christiansagzinstchristiannatiinalism.org)
Repairers of the Breach. Founded in 2015 by Dr. William Barber II, it sustains a national movement, described in its “Call to Action for a Moral Agenda.” It offers resources and in-person action opportunities. (www.breachrepairers.org). Barber is now the Director for Public Theilogy and Public Policy at Yale University (https://www.theologyandpolicy.yale.edu)
Justice Revival. Founded by Allyson McKinney Timm, Justice Revival is a diverse, inclusive community inspired by faith to advance human rights and equality in the United States (www.justice.revival.org)
These ministries, and others like them, are a tangible reminder that there is a sizeable and growing movement of nonviolent resistance to evil, a cadre of blessed peace-makers (Matthew 5:9).