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Welcome to United Methodist Insight, an educational project conceived and developed by United Methodists profoundly concerned about the future of our global denomination.
Many proposals for how we live and serve together as a global church will come before the 2012 General Conference April 24-May 4 in Tampa, Florida. For more than a year there have been discussions, reports, blogs and more on reorganizing the church's structure, ministry, and systems. We seek new understandings of how we relate to one another around the world, how we evaluate the effectiveness of our ministry and how we go about God's missions.
This website is intended to bring wide-ranging reports, analyses and opinions together in a single place for the benefit of General Conference delegates and those concerned about the church's future. UM Insight is intended to be educational. It has no official ties to any of the church's various caucuses or organizations. It is not funded by any church-related organization. Most of all, it will not advocate for any proposal or position on General Conference legislation.
Instead, UM Insight will publish as wide a range of alternatives and perspectives as it can locate in the next five months to help prepare decision-makers and influencers for the global legislative assembly. The project will ask sharply focused questions about various proposals in order to provide as many facts as possible to help delegates discern the potential effects of the alternatives presented to them.
Above all, our goal is to give all United Methodists with an open, transparent and easily accessed forum for information and discernment leading up to the 2012 General Conference. Readers are invited to comment, recommend articles and essays for reprinting, and suggest ways in which United Methodist Insight can serve the church better as we prepare to shape our future.
For further details, please see our About Us page.
Cynthia B. Astle, Project Coordinator