April 24 Opening Worship: 4:00 PM
Preacher: Bishop Larry Goodpaster
Theme: Call
Text: Jesus Call the Disciples at the Shoreline
April 25
Evening Worship: 8:30 PM
Preacher: Bishop James King
Theme: Invite
Text: Jesus Encounters Levi, Tax Collector, at the Sea
April 26
Evening Worship: 8:30 PM
Preacher: Bishop Robert Hoshibata
Theme: Heal
Text: Jesus Heals at the Shore
April 27
Act of Repentance: 7:30 PM
Preacher: Bishop Robert Hayes
Theme: Listen - Act of Repentance
Text: Jesus Teaches at the Sea
April 30
Evening Worship: 8:30 PM
Preacher: Bishop David Kekumba Yemba
Theme: Embark
Text: Jesus Rebukes the Wind and Waves
May 1
Ecumenical Day - 8:30 PM
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit
Theme: Encourage - Ecumenical Day Worship Service
Text: Jesus Walks on the Water to get into the Boat with the Disciples
May 2
Memorial Service – 8:30 PM
Preacher: Bishop Jane Middleton
Theme: Encounter - Memorial Service
Text: Jesus Plans to meet the followers at Galilee after the Resurrection
May 3
Evening Worship: 8:30 PM
Preacher: Bishop Debra Kiesey
Theme: Feed - Love Feast
Text: The Risen Jesus meets his Disciples back at the Shore
May 4
Closing Worship: When all plenary business is completed
Preacher: Bishop Rosemary Wenner
Theme: Follow - Closing
Text: The Ascension of Jesus and the Disciples go out to Proclaim the Good News