I have never had a runner’s high.
I have been running track races, road races and marathons for the past 65 years. I’ve experienced sore knees, blood poisoning, blisters, blackened toe nails, an occasional gold medal, and a frequently bruised ego, but I have never experienced what some call a “runner’s high.”
Oh, sure, I know it exists. Others have explained it as a pleasant sensation and they feel as if they could run forever.
I always look forward to the finish line and, no matter the distance, I’m grateful when it arrives.
I’ve also never experienced a “spiritual high.”
I’ve experienced encouraging voices, inspiring sermons, helpful seminary classes, doubt and belief. But I have never experienced what might be called a “spiritual high.”
Oh, sure, I know it exists. Others explain that they feel as if God is speaking aloud to them. They know they have been saved and they are assured the gates of Heaven await them at the finish line. Paul obviously experienced several spiritual highs and doubtless he received his prize.
I believe Jesus shows us what God wants us to be and do, but he has never given me specific directions.
I may never achieve a runner’s high or a spiritual high, but I will continue to train until I reach the finish line.
The Rev. Rich Peck is a retired clergy member of the New York Annual Conference and a longtime United Methodist communicator.