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NASHVILLE, Tenn. Feb. 7, 2018 /Discipleship Ministries/ – The new Lent worship resources produced by Discipleship Ministries include complete services, presentation graphics, a companion small group study, a podcast series and sermon helps around the theme Rehab. The resources are designed to help churches develop disciples in a comprehensive way.
Both the worship planning series, which includes guidance materials for services on Ash Wednesday and the Sundays leading to Holy Week, and the five-week group study are available online. Podcasts designed for worship and small group participants will also be available each week.
“The overarching theme of Rehab coordinates with what Lent is designed to do, which is to put people through a process of intensive formation for baptism or a deeper walk with Christ,” said Taylor Burton-Edwards, Director of Worship Resources at Discipleship Ministries. The Rehab planning series can be downloaded at The companion study, which can be used in midweek formation groups during Lent or anytime during the year, is available for free download or for purchase in paperback at The Rehab series will segue into the Holy Week worship series and the Easter worship series, which will also be available online at