Stone Soup
Stone Soup by Jen Lemen. (CC BY 2.0)
What can you contribute to an online "stone soup" that will spiritually nurture all who seek a liberating expression of Christian faith?
Participants will have the opportunity starting at 4 p.m. ET on Sunday, July 10 when The Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX) will hold a "Stone Soup for the Soul" spiritual gathering .
The gathering takes its name from the children's story of a traveler who teaches a selfish village how to share by claiming he can make soup using only a stone and water. He persuades villagers to contribute ingredients to the "stone soup" until it becomes a nourishing stew big enough to feed everyone.
The concept of mutual sharing "on the journey toward liberation" underlies LMX's efforts to create a faith community that centers "Black, Indigenous, people of color, queer, and trans participation and leadership." Since its inception, LMX has sought to elevate those from the margins whose voices and contributions have been sidelined or ignored by the mainstream United Methodist Church.
While initially LMX thought to form a separate Methodist denomination, this year the group's organizers announced they had stepped back from that aspiration. Instead, LMX facilitators have committed themselves to proceeding on "a journey toward liberation" until the community discerns together what form their association should take.
For the July 10 worship session, participants are invited to bring prayers, readings, poetry, interpretative dances and especially stories of how they're "exploring liberation" in their own contexts.
"Keep liberation at the forefront of your sharing and be conscious of harmful rhetoric or practices that would marginalize people of color, queer or trans folx, those with disabilities, and other forms of marginalization," LMX advises in its email announcement. "No one will do this perfectly, the expectation is only to make your best effort."
LMX added: "There will be a list of content warnings shared at the start of the gathering, and it will be a requirement of participation to provide appropriate warnings as needed prior to sharing. When in doubt, add a warning."
Participants may join the online gathering via Zoom using meeting ID: 848 9031 3399, passcode: 263376. Contact LMX for more details.