Joshua Warner
During the 35th session of the Desert Southwest Conference, the Rev. Joshua L. Warner, third from left, was ordained as a deacon. Warner is a gay man. The ordination and commission service included commissioning of Jamie Lynn Booth and Timothy Robert Hunsinger for the work of an elder. (Photo courtesy of the Desert Southwest Conference).
The Rev. Jeremy Smith takes stock of the repudiation of Traditional Plan supporters by this year’s annual conference election of delegates to General Conference 2020. For those who may not be up on their church political connections, here’s some context:
The Rev. Tim McClendon, not re-elected a delegate in South Carolina Conference, isn’t listed among official Wesleyan Covenant Association leadership, but has identified himself in the past as a traditionalist. He previously has been a candidate for bishop in the Southeastern Jurisdiction.
The Rev. Jessica LaGrone, a clergy member of the Texas Annual Conference, is on the WCA Leadership Council. Currently she serves as dean of the chapel at multi-denominational Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ky., considered the theological heart of the traditionalist movement in the UMC.
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Ritter is also on the WCA’s leadership council. He serves as lead pastor for a multi-site ministry based at First UMC in Geneseo, Ill., which is in Illinois Great Rivers Conference.
Former WCA Chairperson Jeff Greenway of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, previously president of Asbury seminary, serves as WCA council chair. He withdrew his name from delegate elections in West Ohio. Likewise, Confessing Movement director and Asbury trustee Joe Kilpatrick, whose electioneering at North Georgia Conference drew criticism, also withdrew when he was losing, according to North Georgia social media posts.
Neither the Rev. Beth Ann Cook, Confessing Movement chair, nor the Rev. Kim Reisman, daughter of conservative legend Dr. Maxie Dunnam (also a former Asbury president), were elected in Indiana. Rev. Reisman currently is executive director of World Methodist Evangelism, a focus of her father's throughout his active ministry.
WCA President the Rev. Keith Boyette has retired and thus was ineligible to be part of the Virginia Conference delegation.
Be sure to read Jeremy’s full report, including his caution about not letting General Conference elections in the United States obscure the significant challenges still ahead.
Another LGBTQ Ordination, GC2019 Fallout
Another annual conference has ordained an LGBTQ person. This time, Desert Southwest Annual Conference clergy session approved the ordination of deacon Joshua L. Warner. Kathy L. Gilbert of United Methodist News Service has a feature on the new deacon.
Meanwhile, Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference followed up its commissioning of the Rev. Tracy Gould, who identifies as bisexual and queer, with legislation that rejects the Traditional Plan, according to a report from communications associate Kristen Caldwell. She writes:
"As the Oregon-Idaho Conference and the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church continue to proclaim they are a “home for all” post-General Conference 2019, there were a few legislative items passed during the annual conference session in Eugene that are reactions and calls for action from churches and leadership in the local Conference.
"Approved on the Consent agenda was Action Request no. 4, which calls for structural change in the United Methodist Church.
"Be It Resolved That the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference notify the Council of Bishops that the stipulations of the Traditional Plan are not acceptable for our Conference. Be It Further Resolved That the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference call on the 2020 General Conference to adopt a structural realignment of the United Methodist Church that creates an expression of Wesleyan Methodism that allows for both traditionalist and progressive understandings of LGBTQ Clergy and same-gender weddings to co-exist within the Church in a new way. Be It Further Resolved That the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference call on the General Conference Secretary to release all structural realignment petitions created by General Church or Annual Conference teams one month prior to the petition submission date for 2020 General Conference for public study and feedback, incorporating potential changes before final submission."
Read more on the Conference website.
Fort Collins First UMC in the news
First UMC in Fort Collins, Colo., drew local media attention with its public announcement that it intends to reject the strictures of the Traditional Plan. Under a headline saying, “Fort Collins pastor vows to go against church's same-sex marriage ban, saying 'Don’t yell at me about who people love'” the Coloradoan website summarized the conflict over LGBTQ inclusion in the UMC.
The Rev. Melanie Rosa, First-Fort Collins’ lead pastor, told local feature writer Kelly Ragan that the congregation intends “to hold firm in its support of the LGBTQ community.”
But First United Methodist Church's lead pastor Melanie Rosa said the Fort Collins church will hold firm in its support of the LGBTQ community.
“Several prominent leaders at First United Methodist are gay and lesbian, Rosa said. They have told her they plan to remain at the church because they feel loved and valued,” Ms. Ragan writes.
Media Mentions as of June 24, 2019
How a diversity prom allows LGBTQ students to be their authentic selves – NBC2 News
Minnesota United Methodist Church members take a stand against anti-LGBTQ policies – KSTP
Cynthia B. Astle serves as Editor of United Methodist Insight, which she founded in 2011.