Some quick takes at the week’s end:
WCA criticizes UM News article
The Wesleyan Covenant Association claims “hundreds” of responses – but doesn’t specify a number – to its invitation for input to its “Book of Doctrine and Discipline,” according to a recent article by the Rev. Walter Fenton, WCA’s vice president for strategic engagement However, instead of sharing some of the comments regarding its proposed set of rules, Dr. Fenton’s article focuses primarily on criticizing United Methodist News Service for allegedly misrepresenting the WCA’s reason for being.
Dr. Fenton writes: “The article’s opening sentence immediately suggests the draft document is one large compendium of Bible ‘dos-and-don’ts’ about ‘marriage and every other issue’ (emphasis added). This is a crass and distorted view of the document. Marriage is addressed only three times, twice in very non-controversial ways (see pages 12 and 20). The third reference comes under ‘Our Social Witness to the World,’ where in one sentence the book proposes the proper context for human sexuality: ‘We believe that human sexuality is a gift of God that is to be affirmed as it is exercised within the legal and spiritual covenant of a loving and monogamous marriage between one man and one woman’ (page 27). In its present form the ‘Book of Doctrines and Discipline’ consist of approximately 24,000 words; 90 of them are about marriage.”
A broad view of the WCA's self-identity was presented by the Rev. Dr. Billy Abraham at the WCA's recent "Transformed!" global gathering in Tulsa, Okla. According to a WCA video of Dr. Abraham's speech: “We are unapologetically intending a fresh start for the people called Methodist across the world. This is not simply a parochial North American matter. We are a global church and we are interested in a fresh start for a global version of Methodism… built on the rock of divine revelation in the scriptures and the reliably annunciated material given in the great creeds of the church, especially the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.”
More detail on the WCA's perspectives can be seen in videos from its recent conference, which are now being posted on its website.
What’s it all about, SMU?
For a comprehensive look at what’s behind Southern Methodist University’s revision of its governing rules and the South Central Jurisdiction’s lawsuit against the move, read Sharon Grigsby’s column in the Dallas Morning News. We were able to access the article from a Google search, but DMN articles are often put behind paywalls, so be aware.
Resist Harm picking up steam
The folks at Resist Harm aren't waiting until the Jan. 1, 2020 effective date of the new harsher penalties for LGBTQ clergy and those performing same-sex marriages. In addition to the opening essay from the Rev. Israel "Izzy" Alvaran, Resist Harm has new essays endorsing the movement from the Rev. Curtis Brown, Director of Connectional Ministries in the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, and the Rev. David Wiggs, Senior Pastor at Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa, Okla.
You can follow Resist Harm via its website,, or its Facebook page,
Media mentions as of Dec. 12, 2019
SMU Sued as it Moves to Cut Ties with United Methodist Church – (blog)
Methodist Conference Sues SMU – Park Cities People
Montrose Organizations Give Holiday Cheer to LGBTQ Homeless Youth –
No place for hate – Martha's Vineyard Times
Cynthia B. Astle serves as Editor of United Methodist Insight, which she founded in 2011.