Firefighter at wildfire
Firefighters regularly defend people, forests and wildlife from firest such as this 2006 fire. (Puublic Domain Photo by Bob Millan for FEMA)
Wildfires, tornadoes, straight-line winds, poor timber and land management practices, development—all wipe out trees, which left standing would be working continuously to take in carbon dioxide and give back oxygen. Reputable organizations are replanting trees around the world wherever needed. Find out more about reforestation and protecting old-growth forests. Support those who are working constantly to help trees help our earth and all of us.
Feeling overwhelmed? Jesus reminded us that all we need is 2 or 3 gathered in his name. Find a partner who also cares about the environmental issues we face. Look in your church. Use networking skills. Browse for an organization. Invite others. Choose something to do. Action leads to hope—and change.
Shop for the story. Websites make it easy to know the values and practices of a company, as well as their products. When you purchase from a business that is carbon-neutral or zero-waste, from one that focuses on sustainability and fair trade in their supply chain, from one that gives back to non-profit organizations that help heal the earth, you are making a difference.
Recycle old crayons. Broken, wrapped, or barely used—ship them to Crazy Crayons to remold. The National Crayon Recycling Program has already kept 120,000 pounds from landfills. Better yet, do a crayon drive to collect even more. This project is easy to do with children and helps them understand the importance of creation care.
Compare the cost to creation: eating chicken (7 kg of CO2) versus eating beef (27 kg). Every time you choose poultry over beef, you lighten the emissions load on the atmosphere. You help everyone.
Be specific when you contact your lawmakers. They are more likely to respond positively to an ask that is within their scope of authority rather than to a broad demand. If possible, tell your story that prompts your concern. Connect your request to your faith values—and say so.
When you water your pets, water your plants. Rather than dump the old water from the pet bowl down the drain, put it to use. Your houseplants, garden plants, even your trees, as well as the earth will appreciate your kindness.
Check with your vet, humane shelter, or pharmacy. Many are happy to reuse clean prescription bottles, which are not accepted for recycling in most places. If you need to remove the labels, use Goo Gone to get rid of the stickiness.
Save dryer time and energy. Save money. Cut down on static and wrinkles. Cut out toxins from chemical dryer sheets and fabric softeners. What’s not to like! Use wool dryer balls instead. Here’s a rundown on the 10 best.
Between TV and the internet most Americans are subjected to hundreds of advertisements a day! Before you buy, ask yourself if the item is a need or a want. Then ask what you would use if you didn’t have it. Think about where you would store it and how you would dispose of it. In order of effectiveness, Refuse comes before Recycle and definitely before Trash.