Prayer with Bishops
Florida delegates Rachael Sumner (front left) and the Rev. Jacqueline Leveron (front right) of the Florida Conference join in prayer with bishops and other delegates at the front of the stage before a key vote on church policies about homosexuality during the 2019 United Methodist General Conference in St. Louis. (Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS.)
After passionate speeches, prayers and tears, the “one, last shot” for the One Church Plan was defeated by a vote of 449-374 at The United Methodist Church’s 2019 General Conference.
The Rev. Tom Berlin, Virginia Conference, spoke for a minority report for the One Church Plan that was submitted last night. A minority report is a substitution for the report of the legislative committee. Delegates opposed the bishops’ recommended One Church Plan by a vote of 436 to 386 on Feb. 25. That vote was 53 to almost 47 percent.
“I have a love of the church that sometimes I do not even understand,” he said in presenting the report to the denomination’s top lawmaking assembly. “Sometimes I get emotional when I talk about it because I catch a glimpse of what we can be with God’s help.”
Berlin told delegates that approving the One Church Plan did not force any pastor or church to perform same-sex marriages, nor did it force anyone to change what they believe about the Bible. But the plan would allow conferences to ordain LGBTQ pastors, as well as allowing churches to host and pastors to officiate at same-sex marriages.
“If the Traditional Plan is voted in, it will be a virus that will make the American church very sick,” he said. “Many pastors are going to leave, many annual conference will leave. … There will be trials, and they will be on the news. The only news about the church will be about people we don’t serve.”
And he warned the virus would cross oceans and make the whole church sick.
However, other delegates stood to talk about following God’s “true word.”
Nancy Denardo, Western Pennsylvania, cited Scriptures in her argument against the One Church Plan.
“Friends, please stop sowing seeds of deceit,” she said. “I’m truly sorry if the truth of the Gospel hurts anyone; I love you and I love you enough to tell the truth.”
Lyndsey Stearns, West Ohio, a young person who described herself as a future pastor, spoke in favor of the One Church Plan and told the body in the past 24 hours, 15,529 young people had signed a statement in support of unity.
The statement says young people are not all of the same mind about LGBTQ people.
“And yet through working together, sharing stories, and worshipping side by side, we have seen each other’s gifts and fruits for ministry! We have witnessed the incredible ways that God is working through each of us in our own unique contexts.”
Stearns said, “I read John 17 and it ruined me. I could not unhear the words of Jesus.”
Aislinn Deviney, Rio Texas, who described herself as a young evangelical delegate, said many young people “fiercely believe marriage is between one man and one woman.”
“We are here at the table because of our dedication, not because we demand a place because of our age,” she said. “We speak for ourselves. We all have family and friends who are LGBTQ that we love and value.”
The Rev. Cara Niklas, Oklahoma, in speaking against the One Church Plan, said people supporting the Traditional Plan have been called mean-spirited.
“That is a false narrative,” she said. She talked about the love she has for a niece who is a lesbian. “When gay persons become convinced I don’t love them because of their behavior, it causes damage with our relationships.”
Rey Hernandez, Philippines, said cultures are not the same around the world but the One Church Plan is “beautiful in our unity.”
“With the help of the gifts of Holy Spirit, I believe what we are trying to agree on is to spread the Gospel,” he said.
Before the vote, Berlin once again told delegates to follow the Golden Rule of Jesus.
“Be consistent, and modify the Book of Discipline to eliminate all the divorced, all those who cohabit before marriage and apply those standards to yourself first,” he said.
There are clergy and bishops who would have to surrender their credentials for violating those Scriptures, he added. “But I don’t think that’s the church you want.”
The Rev. Joe Harris, chair of the legislative committee, addressed the delegates.
“After all the passionate debate, all I can say is God is with us and God will be with us and the Holy Spirit will guide us. Continue to do what you said you wanted to do yesterday, reject One Church Plan and continue on Traditional Plan.”
Delegates and bishops left their seats and drew close together for a prayer.
Bishop Sharon Brown Christopher prayed, “Come, Holy Spirit, come. Come, Holy Spirit, come. Come, Holy Spirit, come.”
As they went back to their seats those gathered in the stadium were singing, “This Little Light of Mine.”
Kathy L. Gilbert is a reporter for United Methodist News Service. UMNS reporters Heather Hahn and Joey Butler contributed to this story.