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Travis Park UMC
Travis Park UMC placed this banner on its website.
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Mt. Horeb UMC
Mt. Horeb UMC says it will withhold its apportionments in protest of the Traditional Plan.
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College Hill UMC
College Hill UMC in Wichita, Kansas, issued its resistance to the Traditional Plan.
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God's image
California-Pacific Annual Conference publicized its full inclusion of all people with this ad.
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Lincoln, NB statement
Clergy and churches in the Lincoln, Neb. area published an ad declaring their welcome of all.
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Meridian Street UMC
Meridian Street UMC in Indianapolis, Ind., welcome sign. (Photo Courtesy of Daniel R. Gangler)
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So. Burlington News
A South Burlington, VT, article details a United Methodist congregation's rejection of the Traditional Plan.
As the workweek ended, United Methodists had begun to live out the dissenting statements they've expressed since the 2019 General Conference adopted the Traditional Plan with its punitive measures.
In North Carolina, a local station, WTVD, reported on an inclusiveness rally staged by United Methodists:
Local Methodist Church members hold inclusion rally in Wake County
WAKE COUNTY, N.C. (WTVD) -- Members and clergy of the United Methodist Church showed their unity Thursday at an inclusion rally. The rally was in response to last month's decision by the larger church to uphold its ban on same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ clergy. "I feel very strongly about the issue," said Bob Wind, a member of Edenton Street United Methodist Church in downtown Raleigh. "I think all LGBTQ people should be included in our community and our community of faith. I'm concerned about what the conference decided."
... "We wanted to show the area that not all United Methodists are supportive of the Traditional Plan and there are many of us who don't want to have a church without our gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual folks with us," said Taylor Tuck, pastor at West Nash United Methodist Church in Wilson."
Reconciling Ministries Network welcomes 1,000th congregation
Reconciling Ministries Network, an organization for LGBTQ United Methodists and their allies, announced March 29th that it had received its 1,000th congregation in membership. The organization issued the following press release:
"CHICAGO, IL - A month after the called General Conference 2019 of The United Methodist Church (GC2019), Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) grows to over 1,000 Reconciling Churches/Communities and 40,000 Reconciling United Methodists (RUMs). Since GC2019, over twenty churches and communities and almost 4,000 individuals have joined the Reconciling movement, committing to inclusion for LGBTQ United Methodists and continued efforts toward justice for all people in the life and ministry of The United Methodist Church.
"Briensburg United Methodist Church in Benton, KY, became the 1,000th Reconciling Church on Friday, March 29, 2019. “Briensburg UMC hopes to amplify the message that even smaller rural churches like ours do not stand alone in our resolute affirmation that God loves everyone,” says Rev. Bill Lawson, who serves as Briensburg UMC’s pastor. “To the UMC, we point out that God continues to demonstrate the reconciling work of Jesus on the cross by manifesting the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the ministries and relationships of LGBTQ Christians. To all LGBTQ Christians, we absolutely welcome and need your full participation and leadership in our congregations.”
"Earlier on Friday, RMN also announced the Reconciling status of Highlands United Methodist Church in Birmingham, AL, a congregation of almost 800 members. “In more recent years, we have come to understand that the welcome for all must intentionally include our LGBTQ sisters and brothers, and we must be bold and diligent in sharing that message,” says Reggie Holder, Director of Growing Ministries at Highlands UMC. “RMN helps us do that.”
"Additionally on Friday, RMN welcomed its 1,001st Reconciling Community to the movement: the English Worship Service of Oak Haven UMC in Irving, TX. Oak Haven describes itself as neither a progressive or liberal church, but it “believes that extending inclusive love and hospitality to others is a vital part of orthodox Christianity,” according to Oak Haven UMC’s pastor. Like many other communities, the English Worship Service voiced not only affirmation of LGBTQ United Methodists but also a rejection of the Traditionalist Plan, which The UMC adopted at GC2019. “I had always believed the Methodist Church as a whole, and Oak Haven UMC in particular, to be inclusive,” says Patricia Owen, a lay leader of Oak Haven UMC. “I can think of no better way to confirm rejection of the Traditional Plan and to affirm our belief that the love of God is equal for every person than to become a Reconciling Community.”
"The influx of Reconciling Churches/Communities and Reconciling United Methodists demonstrates a post-GC2019 climate of United Methodists deeply dissatisfied with the conference’s outcome and eager to build up a grassroots movement for LGBTQ justice and inclusion, heart by heart, church by church. Says Reggie Holder, 'We are working with other congregations in Birmingham and beyond to develop a faithful response to say "enough" to the harmful language of the Book of Discipline and Church policies that do not allow full participation in the life of the United Methodist Church by our LGBTQ members.'”
Media mentions March 29
Methodist exclusions of LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage may create divide – Daily Helmsman, University of Memphis student newspaper.
Your View: Methodists should commit to loving their neighbors – Bristol Herald Courier, Elk Creek, Va., (press release) (blog)
Local Methodists advocate for more inclusivity in church – Addison County Independent, Middlebury, VT.
UPDATED March 28
As of March 28, fewer corporate expressions of resistance were publicized as in weeks past. Instead, online conversation shifted to reactions to three Traditionalist bloggers: the Rev. Dr. Stephen Rankin, the Rev. Dr. Billy Abraham, and the Rev. Walter Fenton.
Dr. Rankin’s blog post, A Church’s Lost Integrity, on which this writer comments elsewhere on Insight, was mentioned by United Methodist News Service. Dr. Abraham’s post, “Mountains Are There to Be Climbed: The Next United Methodism,” from the website of the Institute on Religion and Democracy was included in its newsletter as well. Rev. Fenton’s post, “No Apologies for the Traditional Plan,” led the Wesleyan Covenant Association’s website.
Some Progressive bloggers are beginning to embrace the possibility of forming a new denomination in light of the Traditional Plan’s adoption and increasing animosity from Traditionalists over American resistance. Two of the latest posts, “Humpty Dumpty Can’t Be Put Back Together Again” by the Rev. Dr. O. Wesley Allen, and “The Burden Is on Us to Leave” by the Rev. Darren Cushman Wood, are available here on Insight.
Media mentions as of March 28
Officials at Aurora Methodist church speak out in support of LGBTQ community – Chicago Tribune
Bishop ready to enforce Discipline, embrace gay Christians – Newnan, GA, Times-Herald
The antigay ‘Traditional Plan’ and the history of the Methodist Church – AlterNet
United Methodists, LGBTQ Exclusion and Diversity Progressives by Eboo Patel, Inside Higher Ed
Yorktown United Methodist Church Sends a Message Raising Rainbow Flag – The Examiner News, Yorktown, NY.
Local United Methodist pastors react to church-wide gay ruling – Agoura Hills, CA, Acorn
Methodist church in the valley resisting ban against same-sex weddings – FOX 10 News Phoenix, AZ
Letter: Sedro-Woolley church standing against policies on homosexuality – goskagit.com, Skagit, WA
Glenview United Methodist Church breaks with church policy, welcomes LGBTQcommunity to ... – The Glenview, IL, Lantern
Denmark Delegates Suggest Postponing Enacting Traditional Plan
March 27, 2019
The two delegates representing Danish United Methodists at the General Conference 2019 have recommended that the Northern Europe Central Conference try to get the Traditional Plan overturned at the 2020 General Conference.
Lay delegate Susanne Thaarup and clergy delegate the Rev. Jørgen Thaarup have posted a statement advocating the following:
“As Danish delegates, we must recommend the Methodist Church in Denmark:
to wait until May 15, 2021 to follow any new rule,
to use the General Conference 2020 to try to change as much as possible of the exclusionary elements and reintroduce inclusive attitude and practice,
to use the Central Conference in 2021 to decide such changes and adjustments to the church system so that our Methodist Church in Denmark can function as an inclusive and open church for people of any sexual orientation,
to explore the possibilities of the Methodist Church in Denmark, together with other annual conferences in Western Europe and other Wesleyan churches can join a self-governing and autonomous church, affiliated with United Methodist Church in a possible relationship,
to impose, as a condition for direct and indirect financial support and subsidies for other parts of the Church, that the beneficiaries endeavor to assert the human rights of homosexuals in church and society.
Their full statement in Danish is available at http://www.metodistkirken.dk/2019/03/12/dansk-rapport-efter-generalkonferencen-2019/ Most browsers can translate the page into languages other than Danish.
Virginia Conference clergy pledge LGBTQ support
Clergy of the Virginia Annual Conference are the latest to publish a pledge that they will support LGBTQ inclusion in their congregations and won’t uphold the Traditional Plan. The preamble reads in part:
“In honor of the ministry we share and in lament over the continued discrimination and exclusion of LGBTQIA+ people from the full life of our church, we, the undersigned clergy and laity of the Virginia Annual Conference, commit ourselves to working for a changed church that fully reflects God’s love and longing for all people.
“Recognizing we have broken Wesley’s first General Rule to ‘do no harm’ and also that God’s profligate grace enables us to repent and to reconcile broken relationships, as God is reconciling all of creation to God’s self (2 Corinthians 5: 18-19), we are called to proclaim our dissent and our belief.
“We refuse to uphold any exclusionary provisions against LGBTQIA+ Christians. We reject the notion that the lives of LGBTQIA+ people are “incompatible” with Christian discipleship. The God we know in Christ Jesus astounded and annoyed people by eating with those deemed sinners in his day (Luke 19:1-10), by offering God’s grace and healing at times considered inopportune (Mark 3:1-6), and by accepting comfort and love even when it interrupted the proceedings or offended the faithful (Luke 7:36-50). As faithful followers of Christ our Lord, we strive to be as connected to and invested in our communities as Jesus was in his.
More congregations issue inclusive statements
Local congregations also continue to resist the Traditional Plan through church council and all-church votes. Among those that have publicized their responses in the past week are Mt. Horeb UMC in Warren, NJ; College Hill UMC in Wichita, KS; Travis Park UMC in San Antonio, TX; and Hillview United Methodist Church in Boise, ID.
Hillview is the only congregation in Idaho affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network. Its senior pastor, the Rev. Brenda Sene, wrote a column for the Idaho Statesman that said in part:
“The recent decision of the United Methodist Church to adopt a plan that continues to reject LGBTQI people is abhorrent to us. The plan attempts to tighten the punishment for clergy who officiate at same-sex weddings, and states that the church will continue to not ordain LGBTQI people. Hillview United Methodist Church will not go along with our denomination’s discrimination. We will continue to welcome same-sex weddings in our sanctuary, officiated by our pastor. We will continue to affirm that LGBTQI persons may be called to ministry. … We will continue to defy the United Methodist Church and instead emphasize the Wesleyan doctrine of grace.”
Under a website banner proclaiming “We Dissent,” Travis Park UMC announced:
“The Church Council of Travis Park Church finds the decision by General Conference 2019 to be incompatible with Christian teaching and denounces the discriminatory policies of the United Methodist Church. Therefore, we will be in discussions with our congregation regarding our affiliation with the denomination.
“Travis Park will uphold the equality of LGBTQIA people at all times and in all of our practices. We continue our fervent commitment to welcome and affirm LGBTQIA people and fully celebrate their love among us, including their right to enter into the covenant of marriage in our sanctuary.”
Mt. Horeb UMC sent a letter to Bishop John Schol of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference saying the Traditional Plan’s harsh penalties perpetuates “significant harm on clergy and members whose sacred worth is being denied.” The congregation said it would withhold its “fair share giving” known as apportionments, and explore the option of withdrawing from the denomination.
Media mentions as of March 27:
Is Schism Inevitable for the United Methodist Church? – Religion & Politics
Is being gay compatible with religion? – Duke Chronicle
Valley United Methodist churches grappling with aftermath of anti-LGBTQ vote – ABC15 Arizona
Stephen Tillett: United Methodists have quickened the process of becoming 'untied' – CapitalGazette.com
Germantown churches respond to United Methodist Church vote on same-sex marriage – Montgomery Newspapers
Opinion/Letter: Church attitude on homosexuality is inexcusable – The Daily Progress
Court Street Methodists take stand after LGBTQ vote: “God loves all people–all means all” – East Village Magazine
Media mentions as of March 26, 2019
Debate about LGBTQ at church really comes down to determining God's will for modern times – Dallas News
Methodists waiting for April ruling on LGBQT policy – Newnan Times-Herald
NBC News wins gold-medal prize for most over-the-top, biased report (so far) onUnited Methodists –GetReligion (blog)
Aspiring Pastor Undeterred After United Methodist Church LGBTQ Ban – KJZZ
Two United Methodist churches in Columbus vow to stand by LGBTQ members, clergy – The Columbus Dispatch
Nordic & Baltic Conference Rejects Traditional Plan
March 25
Notices of two more declarations and a clergy open letter defying the actions of the 2019 General Conference were posted online March 25.
The Rev. Jeremy Smith posted news on his Hacking Christianity blog of a vote by the Nordic & Baltic Central Conference to reject the Traditional Plan. The conference also posted proposed legislation for its coming sessions:
"The annual conference 2019 establishes a committee that will present to the annual conference 2021 possible alternative models that give LGBTQ + persons the same opportunity to enter into marriage and to serve in the Methodist Church in Norway, on the same basis as other members of the church.
"The committee’s mandate is to identify what opportunities the Norwegian Methodist churches have to achieve this, within or outside the United Methodist Church, and to promote concrete proposals. The committee will also describe how the Norwegian Annual Conference, if necessary, can leave the United Methodist Church. The Committee shall assess the consequences of the various alternatives, organizationally and economically."
The Rev. Izzy Alvaran, a leader for LGBTQ inclusion in The United Methodist Church, posted a link March 25 to the Desert Southwest declaration on the Progressive Methodists Facebook group. The statement reads in part:
“We in the Desert Southwest Conference have a longstanding tradition and commitment to justice and equality for all God’s people, including our LGBTQ siblings and as such:
"We firmly reject the outcome of the 2019 General Conference as it denies our understanding of Scripture and our Wesleyan heritage which is rooted in love and grace.
“We also acknowledge that the outcome of General Conference breaks Wesley’s first rule: Do no harm. We stand firmly within our baptismal vows to follow Jesus by resisting ‘evil, injustice and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.’
“We stand with clergy and congregations who choose to follow their conscience and offer pastoral care and leadership to all God’s people and will not discriminate. We affirm our authority as clergy to perform marriages per our conscience for our congregants and our communities.
Clergy in the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference posted an open letter to Bishop LaTrelle Easterling declaring their intention to defy the Traditional Plan.
African leader's email
In weekend news, social media was buzzing about an mail sent to the Rev. Dr. Mark R. Holland, executive director of Mainstream UMC, by the Rev. Dr. Jerry Kulah, dean of Gbarna Methodist Seminary in Liberia and chairman of the African Initiative sponsored by Good News and the Wesleyan Covenant Association. In addition Dr. Kulah’s command that rebellious Methodist should simply leave the denomination, readers were also taken aback by his extensive use of capitalized words, which in Internet culture indicates shouting. Read Dr. Holland’s blog, "Key African Leader Calls for Split in UMC," about the exchange.
Monday media gleanings:
Vote on LGTBQ issues divides United Methodists in Modesto, around globe – Modesto Bee
Conservative United Methodists gearing up for church court battle over 'Traditional Plan' – Christian Post
Letter to Editor: United Methodist Church's LGBTQ Exclusion – Santa Monica Mirror
Journalists may want to ask: When will United Methodist left decide that enough is enough – GetReligion (blog)
LGBTQ United Methodist leaders gutted by church's anti-gay decision – NBCNews.com
Waterville church welcomes all – Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel
Local United Methodists frustrated, focused after global LGBTQ decision – Wyoming Tribune
United Methodists air their hurts at regional meeting – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
United Methodists, LGBTQ Exclusion and Diversity Progressives – Inside Higher Ed (blog)
UMC faces divide in court over LGBTQ exclusion decision – OneNewsNow
Letters to the editor Monday: Come together against false division – Savannah Morning News
Here's how Dallas-area Methodist churches are dealing with the anti-LGBTQ vote fallout – Dallas News
UMC to weigh communion with Episcopalians – Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (blog)
A Church’s Lost Integrity – The Rankin File by Stephen Rankin (blog)
People’s UMC won’t follow global same-sex plan, pastor calls it "crap" – ConnectOregonWI.com