The movement to resist implementing the strictures of the Traditional Plan adopted by the 2019 General Conference continues to flow deeper into U.S. Methodism. As of April 3, clergy and laity in some 25 annual conferences had published open letters and online petitions addressed to their bishops and other leadership affirming their intentions either to resist the Traditional Plan or work actively toward full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the church.
The latest development involves statements by annual conference boards of ordained ministry. The recent statement of the Oregon-Idaho BOM is typical of the notices being posted among various annual conferences:
"OR-ID Board of Ordained Ministry: Our Resistance to Discriminatory Restrictions from General Conference
"We the, Oregon-Idaho Board of Ordained Ministry, believe that in light of the decisions of the 2019 General Conference this is a crucial time to declare how we operate in our work with those called by God into ordained ministry.
"Because we have been a Reconciling Conference since 1996, because we have seen the gifts and graces for ministry in LGBTQ persons and have seen these same gifts too often denied, and because we hope to help lead change in our denomination’s policy regarding LGBTQ persons in ordained ministry, we welcome all candidates as children of God as they discern God’s call and claim upon them for ordained ministry.
"We commit to inquire of our candidates for commissioning or ordination based on their gifts for Christ’s ministry as delineated in ¶335 of the 2016 Book of Discipline. We will continue to base their examination on their understanding of our Triune God and God’s call rather than on sexual or gender identity of candidates for ministry.
"We hold ourselves, our clergy and candidate to the highest standards of faithful and holy living, and for fitness, readiness, and effectiveness in ministry. We commit to participate fully in the ministerial covenant with our colleagues of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
"OR-ID Board of Ordained Ministry, April of 2019
"This statement can also be accessed on the Conference website."
Another Reconciling Congregation
Foothills UMC in La Mesa, Calif., is the latest church to join Reconciling Ministries Network, an advocacy organization for full inclusion of LGBTQ people in The United Methodist Church. To join the network, a church is required to conduct a study of human sexuality and craft a public statement of inclusiveness. Foothills UMC has published the following:
"At Foothills, and as a people of Christ, we are open and affirming. Foothills is a congregation with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. We are a community of believers, doubters, and seekers of all ages, from all corners of the earth. We are socially, politically, and theologically diverse, yet we are one in the body of Christ. Our faith is deeply rooted in the Methodist tradition of personal transformation and social justice. We welcome people of all ages, races, gender identities, marital situations, physical conditions, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds. We are 21st century followers of the way of Jesus Christ: loving God, loving neighbors, and offering compassion to a world in need."
Media mentions as of April 5
Is Schism Inevitable for the United Methodist Church? – Religion & Politics
Same-Sex Marriage Isn't Apostasy, LDS Church Decides – New York Magazine
Church will defy same-sex marriage ban – WILX-TV
Media mentions as of April 4
Thoughts on New United Methodist LGBTQ Rules by Susan Grettenberger, pride
Mama Bears: Group of moms raising LGBTQ kids goes to church in solidarity to share love, free hugs – The Tennessean
Valley Methodists Reaffirm Gay Religious Inclusion – Livermore Independent
Area United Methodist Church pastors react to LGBTQI weddings, ordination decision – Kendall County Now
For Love and Faith - pride
Regional Bishop talks about UMC policy changes – Sidney Herald Leader
Cynthia B. Astle serves as Editor of United Methodist Insight, which she founded in 2011.