Cal-Nevada center
The California-Nevada Conference center in West Sacramento, Calif. (Conference photo)
California-Nevada Conference leaders have come out strongly against congregations leaving The United Methodist Church and/or withholding apportionments to protest the adoption of the Traditional Plan by the 2019 General Conference
In a statement released July 1, 2019, Bishop Minerva G. Carcano and the extended Cabinet said that withdrawing from the UMC or withholding apportionments would simply play into the conservatives’ “40-year strategy” of destroying the denomination.
Western Jurisdiction communicator Ben Roe highlights this paragraph as key to understanding the implications of the California-Nevada statement:
“How does disaffiliation fulfill our calling to leadership as a jurisdiction within the denomination? Some members of the Wesley Covenant Association, Institute for Religion and Democracy, and others have been planning this deconstruction of the connection for almost 40 years. The schismatic endgame of this strategy is apparent. Yet many of their movement are no longer represented in General and Jurisdictional delegations. This does not mean the tide is turning; the numbers bear witness that they are not. However, facilitating THEIR exit should be the primary goal rather than having us waste valuable time and energy planning what is ultimately the will of the WCA and IRD. Remember, it was the Methodist Episcopal Church South that left the Methodist Episcopal Church.”
Read the full California-Nevada statement
Professor: Wesley calls modern Methodists to return to roots
United Methodist News Service has picked up a blog post from the Rev. David F. Watson, professor at UMC-related United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio and Wesleyan Covenant Association supporter. UMNS quotes Dr. Watson: “Methodism co-founder John Wesley knew that the people called Methodist were themselves liable to spiritual slumber. Wesley would direct today’s church back to the intentional practices of the Methodist societies.” Although content distributed through UMNS usually is freely reproducible, Dr. Watson has made it known in the past that he wishes no association with United Methodist Insight. To keep faith with his request, we can only direct you to his post on UMNS in its "Many Voices, One Faith" series.
Read more "Many Voices, One Faith"
Media Mentions as of July 2, 2019
Gay marriage vote could hit Methodist links with Church of England – THE GUARDIAN
LGBTQ and Christian: Chattanoogans talk about how faith plays a role in their lives –Chattanooga Times Free Press
Like the founding fathers, find strength in unity – Bryan-College Station Eagle
North Mason United Methodist Church prepares to close its doors – Kitsap Sun
Steamboat Methodists consider leaving denomination over LGBTQexclusions – Steamboat Pilot & Today
LGBTQ community applauds welcoming Rapid City Methodist Church – KEVN Black Hills Fox
Cynthia B. Astle serves as Editor of United Methodist Insight, which she founded in 2011.