2016 Discipline Barry
What's going to take place Jan. 1 when new penalties for being LGBTQ person in ordained ministry or performing a same-sex marriage go into effect?
The Desert Southwest Annual Conference intends to make sure that all of its constituents understand what is about to happen in The United Methodist Church when new, harsher penalties for LGBTQ support go into effect on Jan. 1.
The Rev. Beth Rambikur, Desert Southwest director of connectional ministries, sent this letter to clergy and churches:
Desert Southwest Conference, we hear you.
Dear friends,
Much has happened since our last Conference-wide communication in May. We have met as an Annual Conference twice, decisions were made about legislation at the denominational level that continues to impact us, we have seen the emergence of the DSC Way Forward, we are deep into the season of charge and church conferences as our churches answer questions about identity and calling, mission and ministry continues to transform lives, and January 1st is a little more than two months away. The call for good and accurate information remains the same, and we hear you.
Summit Town Hall: You are invited to a series of informational town hall meetings this week about the Western Jurisdiction Summit on November 14-16, please sign up today by going to
Spaces are limited in order to facilitate conversation. These will be Zoom meetings which can be joined by telephone or smartphone or computer, the information will be emailed out on Monday at 10:00 am Arizona time to those that have signed up.
Dates: Monday, Oct 21st at 12:00pm, Arizona time
Tuesday, Oct 22nd at 6:00 pm, Arizona time
Wednesday, Oct 23rd at 2:00 pm, Arizona time
Just the Facts Webinar: an updated version of our Just the Facts Webinar presented in the spring will be presented on Wednesday, October 30th at 9:00 am, and again at 6:00 pm. This is an hour and a half long information session about what has changed in the denomination since Feb. of 2019, what has changed in our Annual Conference since our two sessions of the Conference this summer, and what to expect as we move toward January 1. We will host this meeting through our Zoom technology and will email you a link after you register. To register, go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050449A9AB28AAF94-just
We continue to be with you in ministry as God calls us to be a courageous church, loving like Jesus, acting for justice, united in hope.
Yours in prayer,
Beth Rambikur, Director of Connectional Ministries
Reflections on gay clergy trials
United Methodist layman Pete Fleming posted the following reflection on Facebook, which we repost here in full with his permission:
“I have been reflecting this week on the trials going on in our church against ordained ministers who are gay and in relationships. In every case I have read about, people outside the accused's church, and probably not even acquainted with the accused, have brought charges. In every case the accused's church members are very happy with the accused's ministry, which has been ongoing for several years. No harm has been done to anyone.
“I suppose the accusers would argue that violation of church law causes harm. I have often responded to this argument with MLK's statement that an unjust law is no law at all. I have absolutely zero compunctions about violating those portions of the Book of Discipline that prohibit gay ordination and marriage. They smack of the Pharisees tithing every mint and rue but neglecting justice and the love of God (Luke 11:42).
“I absolutely hate these trials. And I'm convinced that they will be the ruin of the United Methodist Church unless we can somehow come to recognize that the American church deserves the same kind of contingency that the Central Conference enjoys. The map below shows clearly that the vast majority of the American UMC favors full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons. If we were treated the same way as the Central Conference, our contextual considerations would allow adoption of something like the Simple Plan or the One Church Plan and rid ourselves of the noxious Traditional Plan.

Resistance map
“I am hanging onto the UMC for now hoping to be able to make a small impact on its direction and at least bring the reality of our grave danger to a few of my fellow congregants. But a few of these trials publicized widely will show the whole world what an inhospitable place the Methodist church has become.”
Media Mentions as of Oct. 21, 2019
50 years after LGBTQ uprising, Charleston faith community hopes for more progress – Charleston Post Courier
Methodist minister's same-sex wedding could threaten his future in the church – The Boston Globe
Rev. Travis Bonnette-Kim promotes acceptance at First United Methodist Church in Melrose – Wicked Local Melrose
Megachurch Pastor Says His Sect Could Lose 7500 Churches Over Anti-Gay Stances – Patheos (blog)