LGBTQ GC2019 Singing
The Rev. Will Green (center) leads the singing of "Jesus Remember Me When You Come Into Your Kingdom" at the "Queer Prayer Station" during the Feb. 23 morning of prayer at the 2019 Special Session of the United Methodist General Conference in St. Louis. Green serves one of nine New England churches looking into leaving the denomination. (Photo by Kathleen Barry, UMNS.)
Events around The United Methodist Church's future ebbed a bit this week following the major focus on LGBTQ+ inclusion at the annual Leadership Institute sponsored by the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas.
Perhaps the most significant event going forward will be the Judicial Council meeting scheduled Oct. 29 - Nov. 1 in Evanston, Ill. The JC has a big agenda, including a request from the Council of Bishops regarding the constitutionality of some petitions that enacted the Traditional Plan and lots of bishops' rulings of law on the aftermath of the 2019 special General Conference.
Otherwise, we've found mainly media mentions, so here are the latest:
9 New England Churches Consider Disaffiliation – United Methodist News Service
As first school to part with Methodist Church, BW charts independent path – The Exponent
Lansing Methodists Vote To Become Reconciling Church – Lansing Star
Transgender activist teaches inclusivity, compassion for the 'other' at Steamboat Methodist Church ... – Steamboat Pilot & Today
From Extinguished to Distinguished – CounterPunch
Spartanburg Methodist church openly accepts the LGBTQ community – WSPA 7News
Here are some additional links, courtesy of the Rev. Chris Ritter's blog, "People Need Jesus:
“Asbury Memorial UMC Votes to Disaffiliate” via Reconciling Ministries Network. A Progressive congregation in South Georgia votes to disaffiliate from the UMC because of the stance on marriage and human sexuality. (Added 10-1-2019)
“Thoughts on the Administration of a New Expression of United Methodism” by Rick Van Giesen via PeopleNeedJesus.net. A “former insider” shares some surprising thoughts on parts of our UMC system that should go. (Added 9-30-2019)