June 1, 2018
NASHVILL, Tenn.: Petitions for the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church may be submitted to the petitions secretary beginning June 6, 2018 until July 8, 2018.
On May 25, 2018, the Judicial Council ruled that petitions to the special General Conference 2019 "may be filed by any organization, clergy member and lay member of the United Methodist Church as long as the business proposed to be transacted in such petition is in harmony with the purpose stated in the call," which is limited to receiving and acting upon a report from the Council of Bishops based on the recommendations of the Commission on a Way Forward. Business not in harmony with the purpose as stated in the call is not permitted unless the General Conference determines by a two-thirds vote that other business may be transacted.
Petitions may be submitted digitally through the GC2019 website or by email to petitionsecretary@umcgc.org. Typed petitions with an accompanying digital version on a USB drive may also be submitted by mail. Typed petitions without digital media and handwritten or hand printed submissions will not be accepted.
Detailed instructions for formatting and submitting a petition are available online. Questions about the petition process may be sent to ggraves@umcgc.org.